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The pic has nothing to do with the chapter... he is just pretty...


Jungkook's POV

After Jin hyung gets dragged away by Namjoon I head back up to Jimin's room. As soon as I get to the door his conversation on the phone broke me. "Yeah Kai, Me and Jungkook are fine! So please don't worry your's and his relationship will get better, so cheer up baby! You are such a cry baby!-" 'KNOCK KNOCK' I interrupt him by knocking on the door. 

"Okay I'll see you in a tomorrow! Love you Nini!" Jimin yelled into the phone as I opened the door. "Hey Kookie DO you think you are okay now?" Jimin said recalling all of the shower incidents. "Uh..Yeah.." I said slamming myself on his bed and yell into the pillow. "So Kookie what did you and Jin Hyung talk about?" Jimin asked and I looked up from the pillow seeing the most beautiful human alive, he was wearing black shorts and a lose black top.

"Uh...we talked about sex...." Jimin's eyes widened and I laugh. "Yeah, their doing it right now..." I said making him cover his ears. I start to laugh at how cute he is acting. "Jungkook...Are you serious?-", "UHOH! MAH! NAMJOON!" Jimin was cut off by a moaning Jin. He looks at me then runs to the door pressing his ear on it trying to hear the moans coming from their room. 

"Oml...They are doing it...gad this is so uncomfortable..." Jimin said crouching down on the floor. I chuckle at the thought of Jimin being shy when anyone mentions sex. "Jimin, What will happen if you are the one doing sex? Will you still be this nervous?" I asked sinking into the bed. I can sense that Jimin was having a long process and he gets up to lay next to me making me tense. 

"Well..." He said hugging me making my breathing stop. I then turn my head to where I can view his smol little nose. We make eye contact and for some reason my shyness went away and I become......Confident.....

"Continue...." I say still having eye contact with him. He then moves his face away from me shyly and lets go of me. I then start to hug him and trying to imagine how it would be if we weren't best friends and instead...lovers... "Yah! Jungkook" He said trying to break out of my hold, but then "Ah! AH! JOONIE! AH~!" Me and Jimin scooted away from each other and laughed. 

"Anyway! No I wouldn't be this awkward...I mean it's only awkward when other people are doing it...Like Me, I would be so HWUT!" Jimin said sitting up making me also sit up with him. "Really? Show me, I'm experienced" I said making Jimin's eyebrow move into an angle. "Oh you really want to test me?" Jimin said looking into my eyes, but this time I'm actually become 'Dom'. 

I nod and he pushes his black silky hair back. "Okay, Just please baby...Don't be Uncomfortable, it's all good because you are straight, so this will only cause you to feel my hotness.." Jimin said pulling the blanket off the both of us. He then sat on my lap making me tense, knowing that I might not be able to control my self. "Jimin...Are you sure? Isn't Kai going to get Jealous?" I asked and he shook his head. "If he wonders, I'll tell him the truth, that you are straight.." Jimin said making me nod °GOD DAMN! IT'S A LIE! I'M GAY FOR YOU!° 

After that small question we continued. He then brings his left hand to my jaw line and traced it. "Babe, I need you..." He whispered into my ear while his hand started to trace down my neck, to my collarbone, to my abs, making me try my hardest not to take him right here right now. "Jungkook! It's weird if I'm the only one acting, can you please ro-play with me too?" Jimin asked and I nodded °Right, acting...° I thought to myself sadly how Jimin thinks that what I'm putting into this moment is fake...

I then grab his hips to keep him still and leaned into his face. He looked into my eyes with those beautiful pools of rich, dark, chocolate.  "Well Baby, Do you think you can get this so easily? You have to work for it..." I said and he looked shocked that I played along. He then bit his lip which made my dick twitch. "Well..." He said before grinding on me and before I could moan I pinned Jimin down on the bed. "JIMIN! What the fak?!" I asked and he looked confused. "What?" He said looking so submissive underneath me. 

"Do you think that wouldn't affect my little man down there?" I said and he looked down and blushed. "Yo Kook, I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could affect that..." Jimin said and I looked at him confused. "I thought what ever gender your attracted to can only do that..." Jimin said looking into my eyes. "No Jimin both genders can do that to any boy if done correctly.." I said and he blushed once again and looked at his hands which are both still being pinned down, but suddenly "SHIT! I'M CUMMINGGG!" made me and Jimin once again jump away from each other. 

"Hey Kookie, I think we should go ahead and go to bed..." Jimin said going underneath the covers and laying down. I did the same and looked at him. "You know Jimin, I missed you so much...I can't believe how fast I am  used to you again..." I said just staring at him and he looked at me and hugged me. "Me too Kookie, I missed you so much....I get used to the people I love easily..." Jimin said sniffing my chest. 

"I miss the smell of you....And just being around you in general..." Jimin mumbled in my chest and I giggled. "Me too Jimin, Me too...." I said drifting off to sleep.


oooh so that was a little jikook moment...

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