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okay so I don't know how this is going to come together...


Jungkook's POV

I brush my teeth while having a tear slip. °May god, this hurts so much....I don't think I can handle the pain...I have to tell Jimin...Soon, because I might lose him completely.

'Knock Knock'

'Knock Knock'

'Knock Knock'

"JIMIN! ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER IT?!" I heard Jin hyung from downstairs yell at Jimin. °Lately Jin Hyung has been more hard on Jimin, now that he knows Jimin is hurting all of his relationships just to be with his boyfriend....° I rinse my mouth after crying a few more tears and head downstairs. I see Jin setting down only one plate and Jimin nowhere to be seen. "Where's Jimin?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Once that boy breaks up with that hoe, I'll care about what his decisions are, but until he realizes his mistakes, then he can find out the hard way..." Jin said sipping on his coffee. I just sit down and eat my breakfast when Jin suddenly told me to eat faster, "Why Hyung?" I asked chewing on my food. "Because Jimin and Kai left you behind, because that little bitch Kai wanted Jimin to himself..." Jin said crossing his arms and grabbing a piece of bread. 

I finish my plate when I was going to get my bag, but feel really puffy. 'Achhhooo!' I sneeze and Jin looks at me while holding his heart. "surry jin hyuu-u ACHHOOO! " I sneezed once more and Jin shoved me away from him. "JUNGKOOK! I can't afford to get sick! You stay the fak away from me!" He said running out the door leaving me stranded. "Waow...What a hyung he is... I-I I gues- ACHHOOOOOO! ", " JEEEZZUUZ WTF!" I said running up the stairs to lay down on the bed.

Jimin's POV

I walk inside the apartment which seems empty. I see the vase inside of the kitchen and look at the flowers inside it. °I then examined it more and realized these flowers are the flowers that Jungkook are allergic to- ° "ACHOOOOOO!" I then widen my eyes at who sneezed, but it could have been the loud ass neighbor. I then throw away the flowers, because Jungkook could get sick, and plus I don't really feel like being reminded of Kai...

"ACHOOOO! " °Oml that is not next door...Is someone in the house?° "ACHOO- OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?! " I heard a familiar retarded voice from upstairs. "Jungkook?" I asked and walked up the stairs. I slowly open my door and see a boy covered in tissues curled up in a ball. "Jungkook...." I said making the boy get up from the bed and not look at me. "Jimin...I thought you were at school..." He said still not looking at me. "Well, I was, but I...Okay I know that I haven't been acting like  best friend, but I need someone to talk to other than Kai..." I said laying next to him. "Um...Sure, but can you please give me allergy pills and hot tea?" Jungkook asked me and I smacked my forehead. "Oh mah gash, yea of course..." I said leaving the room to make hot tea with Jungkook, following. 

Jungkook is just watching me make tea and I feel very tense...I mean I really have feelings for HIM, but I'm scared that I'll screw up everything...I turned around and looked at him and my heart stopped. "So..What is it you wanted to talk about?..." Jungkook asked and I just broke. 

"Jungkook! You were right....I did make a fake relationship just to make Kai happy...I'm not happy...I can't believe that I pushed everyone away, just because I wanted to make someone happy because they were there for me when I needed someone the most.." I said and he came over to hug me. I looked up and I saw him staring into my eyes. "Jimin...I don't blame you, but I support everything you do...As long as you think it's the right thing to do then I'll be next to you along the way..Yes, I might argue with you, but I support you...I- I love you...Best Friend..." Jungkook continued to stare and I was leaning in until I heard 'Best Friend' and the Boiling water, is when I pulled away. 

I poured water into two mugs with tea bags and gave Jungkook an allergy pill which made him feel better. "So, are you going to break up?" Jungkook asked and I looked up at him and I shrugged. "I don't know... I mean I want to, but I just can't bring myself too...I mean I have to find out if it's the best decision.." I say taking a sip of the hot tea which made my soul calm down. "Well Jimin, there are things waiting for you, but it's you who need to build that bridge to those things..." Jungkook said taking a sip as well from his tea.

"You know Jimin...today is you anniversary and it's supposed to be the happiest day of your entire relationship, and you aren't happy? Doesn't that show something?" Jungkook said and I looked down in the mug in my hand. I thought about it and thought to myself about how I want to fix everything...

"Thank you Jungkook, I needed this..I needed you..." I said smiling which made him smile and that was the first time I saw him genuinely smile in awhile...


SO...Jimin is trying to fix things....

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