Episode 1: Part 1

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(Y/n) POV

Why? Why? Why? Why? They are just stupid.
K so let me explain. My 4 idiot best friends decided that it will be a great idea to turn on the sprinklers in the field while the girl field hockey team practicing. All what and freezing I walk out of the school to see all my teammates chasing my friends down the streets of Minnesota. Wow they janitor left the T bar in the sprinkler valve. No wonder they did that. They even left their stuff. I have such amazing friends don't I? I picked up their stuff and mine and walked all the way to Kendall's house. Still all soaked in water cause of them. I opened the door and walked in. Don't judge me. I've known the knight's since I was 6, this house is basically mine.

"(N/n), how are you? Why are you all wet? Where are the boys? What did they do?" Ms. Knight questioned

"Janitor left the T bar in the sprinkler valve" I exploded simply. Ms. Knight sighed and went back into the kitchen. Katie was on the couch doing some homework.

"(Y/n), go into Kendall's room, get some clothes and change. I don't want you getting a cold." Ms. Knight yelled from the kitchen. "Thanks"

I made my way to Kendall's room as instructed and picked out my panties from my drawer; I already explained; a bra, a pair of shorts and stole one of Kendall's hoodies from the closet. I went into the bathroom and showered quickly.
A few minutes passed and the boys finally came home. I got out of the bathroom to see them on the couch with ice packs on them watching The Pussycat Dolls on tv. I walked over to the couch, passing in front of the tv to sit next to Kendall.

"Hey (n/n)" all the boys stated at once.
"Hey guys"
"Sorry about the field" Logan apologized on behalf of all of the boys
"No you're not"
"You know us so well" James said with fake happy tears.
"The Pussycat Dolls make the pain go away" Kendall stated
Boi what? I frowned

"I'm gonna marry her some day" Oh James. Always dreaming big.

"You're gonna marry Nicole Scherzinger?" Looks like Logan strongly disagrees with James "How?" Well you ruined the peace Logan

Everyone started saying no but it was too late. James already opened his mouth.

"I'm gonna be famous" ok James. Jumping on the table is too much. We put food there. God knows where your shoes have been "Singing sold out arenas. Have like five houses. Make the girls go crazy" you're good but stop singing. "And then marry Nicole"

"Are you done? Please be done"

"no cause here's the part where I shake the booty"

James decided to shake his butt on Logan's face. Well you asked for it Logan.

"Carlos" I called out. He already knew what to do "Got it" he put his helmet on and attacked James falling behind the couch. They continued fighting while Logan Kendall and I laughed.

"Do you wanna be a pop star?" The heck?
"Yes" James loped his head from behind the couch
"Well today's your chance if you're in Minnesota. Are you ready?" Jesus just hurry up and say what you're gonna say

"I'm in Minnesota" we know James. We know. Oh look it's Jenny (not sure if that's her name) "It's Jenny tickler from home room"

"Gustavo Rocque, 90's mega producer to bands like 'boy-quake' 'boys in the attic' and 'boy city' is looking for his next pop superstar" oh look uncle Gustavo is here in town. Haven't seen him since dad sent me here 10 years ago. "But he's even more famous for his quote in rolling stone when he said 'I can turn a dog into a pop star" oh yeah he messed up on that one.
"I sing better than a dog" poor James is so desperate to get famous. At least determination is a great quality girls like. No me tho.

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