Episode 6

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(Y/n) POV

"What's up with the empty baked beans cans?"Was the first question Logan asked when he came down to the pool with the rest of us.

"Carlitos" Was all we said. But that didn't seem to help so Kendall explained further. "He's attempting to set the underwater farts world record."

"But he's too far down.Underwater farts are impossible to achieve at water pressure in excess of 4.2 pounds per square inch." We all look ant Logan. How does he know this? "What? It's basic fartology."

"So how do we know when it's coming?" James asked Kendall as he's the one with the camera.  "I'm not sure." The boys lean closer and suddenly it erupts and we all get wet. I didn't sign up for this. The boys all start cheering and whooping Carlos then comes out of the water.

"Did you get that on video?" Kendall lifts up the camera to see if they got it but it seems that the camera is smoking. 

"Should it be smoking like this?" Kendall asked with a sad face. I knew this was a bad idea.

My boyfriend and our friends are in the sound booth finish up the newest song. It sounds great If I do say so myself.

"And cut!" Gustavo said once they finished singing the song.

"It sounded great, right?" Kendall asked. Aww. He looks so cute when he's excited. Yes baby. It was ama- "No." Excuse me? I look at Gustavo like he has 20 million heads. What? "Green day sounds great. You guys didn't make me want to vomit." All the boys start complaining and Gustavo just turns off the audio so we can't hear them and viceversa. Kelly takes the liberty of hitting Gustavo. Not as hard as I would have but it'll do. He turns to fave Kelly.

"Why can't you tell them they sound good?" Kelly asked.

"Or thank them for all their hard work?" I butted in.

"Showing thanks is a sign of weakness." Kelly and I raised an eyebrow. "And besides, you don't hear them thanking me." Just then the boys walked out of the booth.

"Gustavo." Kendall says in a kinda hash tone. Is it bad that it's kind of a turn on?  "We just wanted to thank you." He finished and the rest of the boys continued saying thanks and all.

Kelly hits Gustavo to get him to say thank you back for the hard work. "I just wanted to say" OMG. "You guys are" HES GONNA DO IT. "done for the day." Well shit. He and Kelly get up. "Kelly and I are off to north Carolina."

"Ooh, can you bring us back a tar heel?" I can't believe Carlos has hope that he will.

"Ooh, I'm thinking about bringing back a hot new band, that I can replace you with when you inevitably fail me." Wait. What?  Does he have that little faith in us. Well at least Carlos has his answer. Gustavo and Kelly walk out of the room leaving me and the boys in shock.

"Replace us?" The boys yelled and quickly ran after Gustavo. I quickly run after them.

"You're not gonna replace us, not after you see my new head shots." James then pulls out of thin air two headshots. "One hot young doctor, one hot greasy mechanic."

No "Ooh, I'll put these with the others." Gustavo throws the headshots, causing James to yelp and quickly scramble to catch them in midair. "Kelly, who'd you get to house-sit my mansion?"

"Oh, you said that you would take care of that." Kelly retorted at her boss.

"There is no way I would have ever said-" Kelly pulls out a voice recorder before he could finish and hits play. "Kelly, I'll find someone to house-sit my mansion. "I record everything now." You go girl.

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