Episode 8

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(Hotel room above)

Soooooooooo, Kendall has been acting strange. He's legitimately been so moody. Especially around the boys. Its been like this for a few days. I really don't know what's going on with him. Well at the time I didn't. But now I completely understand as i see the boys hanging out by the pool. They're trying to have a conversation but it seems that they cant find anything new to talk about. Yeesh.  Carlos all of a sudden yells "SPLIT UP" and all the boys start running. I honestly don't know where they are going. I decided to go back to my apartment; not 2-J; to go change into a swimsuit so I can actually go in the pool.

I got a bit distracted. I spent just an hour trying on different swimsuits. I mean, I am a girl. When I finally go down to the pool, I dive in head first into the deep end. I swim under the water to the shallow end so I can just walk the rest of the time. I stand up and push the hair and stray water droplets off of my face.

"You know, you're not supposed to dive, (n/n)." I hear a voice as I near the edge. I look up to see my amazing boyfriend crouched down next to the pool

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask him with a wide smile. We've barely talked this passing week. He's been all moody so I just decided I was gonna have some girl time fun. But I missed him. I just love him so much.

"Well the boys and i are starting to hate each other" "What?" "And Gustavo is taking the day off, meaning we also have the day off" "Thats rare." "Would you stop interrupting me?" Kendall slight shouted. A bit annoyed but not angry. Yeah I see that smile on your face, boy. You love me.

After a few seconds of silence, Kendall took my little dorky grin as sign to continue talking. "Anyways the boys and I have the day off so we decide to spend our day separate. And I want to spend today with my girlfriend." My grin turned into a full on smile.

Time alone with y boyfriend? Count me in. "Well I too would love to spend some time with my boyfriend on our day off." I giggled like a schoolgirl. "Just let me dry off and get changed. Guess my pool day has been cancelled." I swim away to walk up the steps of the pool to get out. Kendall approaches me with my towel. I reach forward to grab it but Kendall decided it would be funny to see me struggle and raised the towel above his head, way out of my reach.

"Kendall." I whine. "You're gonna have to give me a kiss to get your towel back, sweetie." I roll my eyes and give him a quick peck. He finally lowers the towel and extends it to me, but he doesn't go.

"You've got to be kidding me. Kendall, let go. I thought you wanted to hang out. We can't do that unless I dry off." I tug on the towel hard enough to take it out of his hands after out little tug-a-war session. He stumbles back and bumps into Jo Taylor.

"Oh, Hey, Jo." I say from behind Kendall to the girl with a duffle bag.

"Hey, Y/N." She said in a cold voice. Weird. "Anyways, Kendall, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me." Huh?

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I ask, though i know she doesn't have a boyfriend but Kendall thinks she does. I thought she wanted to stay away from boy drama and thats why she said that she did.

"I do but I just wanted to hang out. Y'know, as a friend. A girl can be friends with a boy without any strings attached. You should know that better than anyone, n/n." She said in a very mocking voice. This isn't the Jo I met a few weeks ago. "Unless there are some strings attached between you and one of the boys. Are there?" She asked.

"No. No strings attached with any of us. If Y/n had something with one of the guys I would know about it. Y/n tells me everything. She's my best friend." Kendall says. I can tell that he's a bit mad. He definitely knows Jo is making me upset. "To answer your first question, Jo, I can't hang out with you because I'm going to spend my first day off with my best friend in the entire universe, Y/n. So if you'll excuse us." Kendall grabs my wrist and drags me inside.

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