Episode 3: part 1

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(Y/n) POV

"Five hours of dancing." Logan

"Seven hours of harmonies." Carlos

"And I sweated through 14 bandannas." James

"Thank goodness we can escape the stresses of Hollywood at the amazing palmwoods pool." And Kendall all complained was we walked into the palm woods pool. Once we were seated a bell rand. Huh?

"What's this? I didn't order extras." Some random lady just came out of nowhere.

"We live here." Kendall started.

"Yeah. This is our pool." I continued.

"No, this is the set for the sexy dog dog food commercial, starring Lightning the tv wonder dog." Huh? This bitch wacko.

We all look across the pool to see Lightning. "Hey, Lightning."

"Strike the boys." Excuse me? "And the girl." Thank you.

Some random men came and picked the boys up. As they walked two other men were standing in front of me waiting for me to move. Guess they didn't want to risk a lawsuit by accidentally putting their hands on the wrong place. Respect. I got up and walked to the lobby where the boys have been thrown to.

I sat on Kendall's lap. I have gotten to the point where I don't even try to hide our relationship. Everyone else is just clueless
"Well, at least we can recharge in the stylish palmwoods lobby." Yes we can Kendall.

But the Bitters walked up to us. Way to ruin the vibe. "Ah, the four hockey players from Minnesota."  "And the cheerleader. Why am I so under appreciated?" Everyone ignored me. Well fuck you, guys. Suddenly, Bitters had a pointer. Where'd the fuck...

"I'm not getting a friendly vibe." Me either, Logan.

"No loitering in the lobby after 9:00." Bitters said pointing at a white board. "Oh, look at the time. 9:01pm." You're a Mr.X, aren't you?

All the boys got up and walked to the elevator. I'd say I did too but Kendall decided to carry me. All I did was get up and he just came around and picked me up koala style. I'm not complaining.

We got to the boys' apartment. We all sat on the couch and I was still on Kendall. "Then there's the gracious interior of our very own apartment 2-j." Note Kendall's sarcasm.

"This place is horrible." Both Carlos and Logan complained. Poor babies.

"Ah!" I yelped. The couch fell.
After the couch broke me and the boys went down to the lobby to complain. Kendall Kendall kept ringing that annoying bell. Finally, Bitters came out of the back room.

"What? I'm busy." He definitely lives up to his name.

"We'd like a nicer apartment, please." Kendall said with a sarcastic smile.

"How come every one else gets one of those cool apartments?" James said pointing to the big picture of one of the bedrooms.

"And ours is a big time dump." Carlos said right after him.

"2-j a dump?" Bitters said and accidentally spit some of whatever he was eating onto Logan's face. At least I hope it was accidentally. "If by "dump," you mean "really cool."" No. They mean a dump.  We all moved back to the apartment 2-j cause Bitters wanted to show us something.

"As you know, the palmwoods is home of the future famous.
Do you know how many showbiz legends have stayed in this very room?" No. Don't care.

"Do you know how many stains and smells there are in this very room?" I said to Bitters looking at him with an rbf, resting bitch face.

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