Episode 9

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"I can't believe we've been here for three months." I hear Kendall say from the lounge chairs. All the boys and I are at the pool. I'm the only one that seems to actually enjoy being in the water.

"Three glorious, fun-filled months." Carlos said.
"Three glorious, fun-filled, sun-filled months." James added to Carlos' statement
"Let's all look up and think about them now." Logan said and they all looked up.

What a bunch of weirdos. I didn't look up but I did start thinking about the past three months. All the wonderful times I've spent with my friends. The dates I've gone out with my boyfriend. The nights I've stayed at the studio late to finish a song and Kendall shows up with my favorite chocolates/candies and junk food. All the times he's showed up at my door with bruises and cuts from playing with the boys. Wow. This was a fun three months

"Good times." All the boys exclaimed at the same time. Creepy.
"And that was just today." Carlos said. How do they all think of the same thing. It's like they're one person.

"Y'know, sometimes you guys are creepy when you act like one person." They just shrug at me. Rude.

"Hey, guys." "Hello, Kelly. How are you?" She looks at me. "I am very well, thank you." She smiles at me. Yay. She turns back to the boys. "I just stopped by to drop off your tickets."

"Oh, hockey tickets?" Logan asks
"Concert tickets, hm?" James said after

"Plane tickets." Oh. Right. I forgot about that. "You guys do know that if your demos don't get picked by the record company tomorrow, you're going back to Minnesota."

"WHAT?!" All the boys yelled in unison. You see? Creepy.
The boys dragged me all the way to Roque Records to talk to Gustavo. I was only able to pull away from Kendall's grip before they entered the studio.  I went to lock myself in my uncles office.

The peace didn't last long when Kelly and Gustavo came rushing in and the boys not far behind them.

"How could Griffin not pick Big Time Rush? He loves us." James questions.

"Griffin loves all the bands with demos, and there are six of them, but only one gets picked." Gustavo explains to them.

"And the one that everybody is talking about is Vampirah." Kelly tells them showing them "Vampirah's" demo.

"Ah! Vampire dudes with guitars. We're toast." Have some faith, Logan

"Hey, hey, hey, we are not toast." Kendall buts in. "What's the one thing we've learned since we've been in L.A.?"

"That black is the new black." "If you drink cold milk on a hot day, you die." "That every time you leave your house, your toys come alive." "That I can wear shorts every day and nobody will look at me like I'm out of my mind?" Kendall looks at me like I'm crazy. "Yeah, like that." I said pointing at his face. He just rolls his eyes.

"That you don't wait for your dreams to happen. You make them happen." So inspirational. "Now, how does the winning demo get picked?" Oh, I know how it's picked.

"That is a highly classified corporate secret that no one will tell me, and it's killing me!" Wow. Calm blown Gustavo.

"Guys, we want this as badly as you do, but all we know is that the winning band is picked by a top-secret adviser very close to Griffin." Kelly says. Just as she finished talking a blond girl walks in with a purse dog walks in.

"Yeah, eww, I just entered this totally ugly office. Hold on, I'm mini barfing." Bitch. She sat down in Gustavo's desk chair.

"I'm here to pick up a CD from Big TimeWhatever." She says to Gustavo. Rude.

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