Episode 1: Part 2

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(Y/n) POV

So the boys went home and packed, picked up my bags, and all of our moms agreed that Ms. Knight will be going with us to LA. So right now we're boarding the plane. I'm wearing my oh so very comfy leggings and once again one of Kendall's hoodies. All of our seats are scattered around so we're not all sitting together. I put my carry on in the overhead compartment and sat down. Carlos was about to put his carry on in the overhead compartment but Kendall appeared out of nowhere and pushed him causing the bag to fall with him. Kendall put his carry on in the compartment and sat down next to me. Carlos finally got back up. Thank god he had his helmet

"Dude. Why'd you do that for?"

"I'm sitting next to (y/n)"

"You always get to sit next to (y/n)."

"Cause she's my best friend" I rolled my eyes at Kendall's stupidity.

"Sorry, Carlos. Maybe next time" Carlos looked down at the ground at walked up a few rows in front of us and sat down in Kendall's seat. "That was rude, Kendall"

"Well sorry I don't want anyone sitting next to my girlfriend"

"He doesn't even know we're dating."

"Exactly, meaning that he might try to make a move" I looked at him like his crazy

"It's Carlos. He would never make a move on me"

"You never know. Have you seen yourself? You're beautiful. He could so try to make a move" I just laughed at Kendall. He leaned over to give me a peck.

"What are you doing? They could see us"

"They're all sitting in front of us. They won't look back at us. Trust me. We're safe." Kendall said while the plane started to take off. The third seat next to us was unoccupied so Kendall (idk why Carlos didn't seat there) decided to be a jerk and run his hand up and down my thigh, getting closer to my area every time it went up.

"We can't do this here"

"Why not? There's no one next to us. The people on the other side are old sleeping ladies, who I saw taking off their hearing aids and glasses earlier, and everyone we know is sitting at least five rows in front of us." He whispered as he got closer and started leaving kisses up and down my neck. Instead of his left hand, it's now his right hand going up and down my thigh. God, did you take me to heaven? I take Kendall's hand and placed it right on top of where I needed him that most.

"Make it quick" and as soon as I said that he got to work.
After mine and Kendall's... sexy time passed I went to the bathroom to clean up. Curse him. All he did was lick his fingers. I had to walk with wet underwear to the bathroom and clean up. He doesn't know what I went through. While the hours passed Kendall fell asleep and I started to write a song in my song book. It was about us. About us going to LA to live our dreams lives. I hope Gustavo likes it. Anyways after a few hours we finally landed in LA and Kelly took us to this really nice hotel.

"Welcome to the palm woods. Home of the future famous." Kelly said as we were walking into the hotel. We briefly stoped so Ms. Knight could touch the palm tree

"That's the first palm tree I've ever touched" she seems so happy. I'm happy. I'm glad I'm out of that cold. I can officially wear shorts every day.

"Every year, kids and parents from all over the world come here looking fame in TV, movies, and music."

"Oh Hey. There's that funny kid from the juice box commercials" Kendal observed.

"I just want my Childhood back." the kid screamed at his mom. Wow. What a sad life.

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