Episode 7

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"Cool, you got your picture in pop tiger magazine, But what happened? You guys look terrible." Camille said to the boys who were all bruised up sitting in the lounge chairs of the palm woods. I was siting next to Kendall holding an ice pack to his head. Poor baby.

"What happened? That picture happened!" James said pointing at the picture Camille was holding.

"Camille, get ready for a twisted tale of adventure, danger, and nail-biting suspense." Kendall says to crate suspense. He spits. "Hey, my tooth came out."

"No, wait." Huh? "That's mine." Carlos heaps the tooth and puts it back in his mouth. Gross.

"So we were enjoying a calm afternoon in the crib." Kendall starts. "And by calm he means the opposite"

~ flashbacks (?)~

"I'm sitting on the couch of apartment 2-J writing, cause apparently that's all I do; Carlos' words, not mine; meanwhile the boys were playing hockey around me. Suddenly a loud air horn blows up my eardrums. We turn and see... Kelly?

"Get your helmets off and your smiles on. Gustavo pulled some strings, and if we hurry, you can make the next pop tiger hot-new-star pinup fold-out special spring poster issue." Oh. My. GOOOOOOODD. Holly shit this is huge.

"Kelly." Kendall said before I could even start fangirling. "In English, please?" Kelly just rolled her eyes. "It's picture day! Move it!"
"I can't believe we're gonna be in pop tiger." James said while we were in the limo on the way to the studio.

"I know, it's totally awesome!" Carlos exclaimed. "What's a pop tiger?"

"Only the most popular teen magazine in the world." James retorts back to him.

"Is that Katie's? Please tell me it's Katie's." Logan begs. "It's mine actually" I say under my breath.

"Hey, this magazine has great articles for guys too, like, "OMG, I IM'd the wrong BFF."" James reads off the magazine

""What one thing would hottie hunk Dak Zevon bring to a desert island?" Kendall says with a 'WTF' face. But then... "I got to say, I'm curious." He then starts flipping through "His dog snowball!" Awwwww.

"What?" Says you, Carlos "What an idiot. Everyone knows you bring a roller coaster!" Cute.

"You don't bring a roller coaster. You bring a flare gun to signal passing ships." Hey, don't ruin his dream, Logan.

"Oh, what, you don't think people are gonna see my extreme looping coconut coaster?"

"Your island is stupid." Logan. Shut it.

"Your island is boring!"

Logan and Carlos keep going back and forth until Kelly blows the air horn.

"Break it up. You need to stay pretty. This picture could end up on the walls of millions of girls."

"Did you say "millions of girls"?" All the boys say at the same time. Suddenly screaming and the limo starts shaking. The girls are on the limo. WTH

"False alarm. It's not him!" One girl said and they started moaning in disappointment. "Somebody just spotted him at the front gate!" And they're running away.

"Whoa, what was that?" Kendall asks as we all get out of the limo.

"That was a pack of screaming fan girls looking for Dak Zevon." Kelly holds up a picture of Dak. "He's in the studio recording vocals for varsity vampire 2: Game on." That's cool. Katie would like an autograph. "Just one great picture in pop tiger and those girls will be screaming for big time rush." The boys went running inside. Ooh.

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