Episode 10

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Its been a few weeks since the boys' demo got picked and we have been working on an official album none stop. Ive been locked in my room all day trying to just entertain myself e fore i go back to writing a new song. I definitely need to get a life. A few minutes go by and my door suddenly flies open revealing my oh so very handsome boyfriend.

"I have a thing." Was all he said when he walked in. He locked the door and walked up to me on the bed. "So we're having a small gathering get-together tonight." Huh?

"You mean a party?" I ask.
"Shh!" Why the fuck are you shushing me? Get your hand out my face. "It's not a party! Anyways, I was wondering if you would be my guest friend person thing?"

"You mean your date." I ask again. 

"That's a term that could also be used. So you want me to be your guest friend person thing at your non-party? It's gonna be super fun, and it starts at 7:00." Dork.

He starts to walk out. "Why are you leaving?" He turns around.

"Because I have to set up for the gathering get-together?" He tilts his head sideways. Adorable.

"I didn't give you my answer." I slowly stated as I got up and walked towards him in the same manner. 

"Well, y'know, I, umm, thought that you would go because you're my girlfriend and all." He stutters. "Are you too busy?" Because if so you don't have to go. I mean i could just come here and give you company. Or not if you prefer to be alone." I pulled him down for a kiss right when he finished his sentence.

"Of course I'm going you idiot. I wouldn't miss it for the world." With a smile, Kendall picked me up and carried me to the bed, laying me down on all the papers with lyrics scribbled down.

"Hey, I was thinking." I interrupted our make out session.

"Oh no. You're breaking up with me." What? "Please Don't leave me." He got off the bed and kneeled on the floor. "I'm begging you. don't leave me. I love you with all my heart. I don't think i could live without you. Please please please." "KENDALL!" He looked up at me. "I'm not breaking up with you."

'"You're not?" "Of course not. Why would I?" "I don't know. Sometimes i do stupid things without realizing it." I giggled at that.

"I was just going to say that i think we should stop hiding our relationship." His eyes widened. "We've been together for 6 months now. I don't mean announce it and like make a big deal about it, i just mean like not be secretive about it. If people think were acting weird or something and start asking questions we answer truthfully." He just looked at me dumbfounded. "You're being too quiet. Please say something."

"So you're ok with letting people know we're together?" "Yes." "Why?" I wasn't expecting that.

"What do you mean why?  You've been wanting to tell everyone about us since w started dating. Did you change your mind?"

"No. I just want to know why you changed yours." Why are we arguing about this?

"Doesn't matter. I got tired of the secrecy. I want to be able to hug you and kiss you in public without having to be cautious and looking around every corner. Why are you mad about it?"

"I'm not. I'm just surprised." He got up, standing in front of my sitting figure, causing me to look up. Damn why are you so tall? 

"I love you Kendall. I want to be with you forever. And you basically already proposed to me so we might as well just be out with it." I laughed slightly showing him the ring he got me a while back. "So tonight I'm gonna go to the party and we are going to have a good time together."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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