Chapter 10 {Quirk Talk}

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When you got home it was already dark and Knight was on the window soaking up the energy from the dark.
"We need to have a talk about your quirk, do you even have one?"
"Yeah, I do."
"What is it?"
"Just moms and dads quirk. Two different ones I guess but dads ties into moms a little bit."
"What do you call it?"
"Crying shadow"
"Wanna elaborate on what you can do?"
"Anything mom And dad can, except I can't just control other people's shadows, they have to hear my sobs for me to be able to do it, that's where their quirks tied together for me but the rest is normal. I actually prefer my crybaby side of the quirk rather than my shadow side."
"Y/n, why have you never learned to use it?"
"Who was I going to learn from? I think you forget I saw my parents for 10 minutes if that mostly everyday. They never had time for me."
"They were trying to save the world."
"And in the process they left me behind. Hero's can take care of their family while still being fucking hero's." At this point you got up aggressively and started walking towards your room.
"I'm tired of this and you know damn well you are too, starting tomorrow I'm putting you through the same hell youre giving me. You're using your quirk even if I have to force it out of you."
You ran upstairs, Knight following quickly behind you.
Was this how it was between you and your aunt now? It's just like how it was when you first got here. The tension, the oh so suffocating tension. You didn't know when you fell asleep but somewhere between your sobs, sleepiness crept its way into your head with heavy chests, hearts, and eyes.

You woke up sweating, turning to the clock. Your habit of waking up at 3am didn't disappear like your parents. If anything it got more exact, before you'd wake up between 3:05-3:10, it's gotten to the point where you wake up at exactly 3am. But for what? Sometimes you wake up scared that you missed your parents and they were already asleep, and then you remember that yeah they are asleep just six feet under the ground with worms crawling in through their ears and out their noses.

Izuku are you awake?

Yeah, what's up?

I can't sleep, and I'm kinda scared..

What do you mean?
Do you wanna call?


"Hey izuku"
"Y/n are you okay? You sound like you've been crying."
"No, I'm not okay and I think it's time I finally admit that."
"Hey... it's okay I promise. Talk to me, bunny."
"I just, i wanted freedom when I was in Tokyo and the universe gave me freedom in the worst way. But I don't understand what freedom I wanted when I had all the freedom in the world yet I still felt so trapped. I just want a normal life. I shouldn't be living with an aunt who doesn't even want me. I shouldn't have to be forced to use my quirk. I shouldn't be the main target of the league."
"I know you want a normal life so make that for yourself now. The past will always hurt but you either run from it or learn from it. I wanna help you bunny. Whether it's running from your past or learning from it with you. I just want you to be safe, and maybe in the process you'll realize your quirk and hero's aren't so bad. On the league note, none of them have physically talked to you... right?"
"Thank you Freckles, I really mean it. I just feel like I can tell you anything you know?"
"Y/n you DIDNT answer my question."
"Oh god they did didn't they?"
"It was just one boy with spiky black hair and was littered in scars. He was telling me things about my parents izuku. He said they were forced into a quirk marriage. As far as he knows I'm quirkless."
"Bunny I'm sure he was just saying that to get to you."
"I know but I can't help but think about it. They never talked about their marriage and I've never seen them kiss before."
"I think you should get some sleep Bunny."
"You're probably right Freckles. Good night sandals."
"Good night Bunny"
And with that you were left alone with too many thoughts and flushing cheeks.

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