Chapter 7 {Party pt2}

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After you and the boys were able to stop laughing you guys were left in silence.
"I should find my aunt." You waved goodbye and set off to find Midnight.
"She's cute." Izuku said as he watched you leave.
"Yeah but it's weird."
"What do you mean?"
"She's a totally different person outside of school. She looked really sad and she was closed off but now she's happy?"
"I mean look at me red head I like to put up a nerdy front. Helps me get all the ladies."
Kirishima smacked izuku as they busted out in laughter.
"So what was the deal back there Knight?"
*incoherent squeaking noises*
"You can't be seriously jealous?"
*more incoherent noises*
"Knight, I can talk to boys."
"I will send you back to the shadow realm if you don't stop."
"No one can take you from me. Promise."
Eventually you found your Aunt with what looked like a hobo.
"Hey Auntie?"
"Y/n hun! I was about to go look for you."
"So who's your boy toy?" You gave her a smirk and Knight did the same.
"Actually I want you to meet my boyfriend, Aizawa"
You tilted your head at the man who is now known as Aizawa and studied him.
You shrugged "Hi"
Knight squeaked into your ear to leave.
"Ugh right um. Knight has to go to the bathroom. Bye!"
"But Knight is a sh-" Midnight sighed as she saw you run off.
"That didn't go as planned."
Aizawa pulled midnight into his embrace and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"We can always try again."
Midnight smiled up at him and gave him a kiss.
You found yourself out on the balcony with Knight on the railing. Both of you staring out at the stars.
"You think the stars ever get lonely?"
Knight shrugged.
"Miss your buddies in the shadow realm?"
Knight nodded.
"You could go back."
Knight shook his head and you rubbed behind his ear.
"I never really knew the true meaning of lonely till now you know."
Knight's ears twitched showing you he was listening.
"Sometimes I do think that i could be like my parents, but my parents were stupid hero's. But do I really believe that or am I just bitter?"
Knight squeaked and rubbed against you.
"Will I ever truly be happy again? I mean, the vines growing within and around my ribs are growing thorns and soon enough they'll kill me, but how soon is soon?"
Knight whimpered.
"It's alright little buddy. I'll be okay."
You took Knight into your embrace.
You looked back to see Izuku.
"Geez you almost gave me a heart attack."
"You okay?"
"Yeah just out here thinking you know?"
"Yeah I get that."
"What are you doing out here?"
"Needed some air."
A realization hit you that he probably heard everything you were saying to Knight, "did you hear?"
"Yeah... I- I'm- i mean i didn't mean to! I just happened to come out! I promise I wasn't listening on purpose!"
"Izuku it's okay. Someone was bound to hear and I'd rather have it be you than some random stranger." You gave him a small smile. Izuku walked towards you by the railing and leaned on it.
"I didn't know you hated hero's."
"I don't know anymore really."
"I don't wanna invade so I won't ask anything" izuku gave you a lop sided smile.
"Thanks sandal socks boy."
Izuku fake pouted and both of you laughed.
"Hey y/n can I get your number?"
"Oh yeah sure!"
So as the night ended you found yourself atop a balcony sitting on the railing with a green haired boy with freckles that looked better than the constellation in the sky.

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