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I woke up wrapped in Percy's arms again this morning. It's the first week of June and we have 9th grade orientation this morning. (Btw, Percy and I had to share a room because he wouldn't let me take the couch, and neither would I let him.)
I took a quick shower and got dressed as Percy drooled on my pillow. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast, blue as always. I made pancakes, and bacon, both are very blue. While I was cooking I pulled out my miniature version of the Battle of the Labyrinth, which grows when I want it to. Though once Sally woke up and walked into the kitchen I made it tiny again and placed it back in my pocket before she saw it.
"You look very beautiful today dear." She complimented me as she looked at the pancakes on the stove. "Honey, you didn't have to cook." She smiled.
"It's the least I can do, when you've done everything else for me." I smiled softly as she gave me a motherly hug. I sighed contentedly at her gesture.
"What's the matter dear?" She worried.
"Nothing, it's just been such a long time since I had a hug from a mom..." I blushed.
"Your mom doesn't hug you? Is that why you came to stay with us?" She asked.
"Partly, I ran away from... what's left of my family to go to camp." I answered.
"Your mom probably misses you." She soothed.
"I wish she did, but I know for a fact she doesn't. My mother never wanted a daughter. She had 4 beautiful sons and one horrible daughter, as she says." I answered with a frown as I placed the last pancake on a plate.
"You must feel awful about yourself." She frowned.
"Sometimes, but at least I had a stepfather and a stepmother who loved me. That's always a plus." I smiled lightly as she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back just as tight as Percy came out of his room with massive bedhead. I snorted a little as his mom turned around and started to laugh with me.
"Here let's try to tame your hair." I giggled as he grinned.
"Oh food." He gazed lovingly at the blue pancakes and bacon.
"Your girlfriend here made it." Sally smirked as I blush and Percy stuttered also turning red. "You two are too cute." She giggled as I handed her her cup of coffee, and sipped my own before we ate and got in the car to go to 9th grade orientation.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now