Meeting Qunitus

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Before dinner, Tyson, Percy and I went down to the sword arena.
"Hello again Percy, Tyson. And who might this young lady be?" He asked sweetly.
"I'm Arianna Summers, daughter of Zeus." I smiled softly as I shook his hand.
"Ah yes, the one who might see the future before anyone else." He grinned as I jumped slightly.
"What?" Percy asked as stared at the fifth version of this man.
"Oh, nothing. Sword fight?" He asked bluntly staring at me.
"Fine, if I win, you have to tell me everything you know." I offered.
"And if I win?" He grinned.
"You choose." I said.
"Fine, if I win, I don't have to tell you anything." He smiled.
"That's it? That's all you want?" I questioned as he nodded. I grabbed a sword that felt right in my hand before we started.
Just so everyone knows the only sharp objects I've held before was my dagger and a butter knife, I have no sword fighting experience. I mean I've played 'sword fight' with sticks and an opponent who didn't move, so I won everytime... this is different. He has been sword fighting for years! I haven't. Yet for some reason I haven't gone down yet. My arm is doing something I haven't learned to do yet.

Sooner or later he got the upper hand on me and pointed his sword at me neck. I frowned as he grinned and helped me up.
"Pretty good, Miss Arianna. You have a lot of skill."
"Thanks, to be honest though, I've never held a real sword in my life." I admitted as his jaw dropped.
"Really? That was amazing for your first time!" Percy said as he put his hand on my shoulder, and I blushed at his complement.
It was almost dinner time, and the boys and I were hot and sweaty so we said goodbye and went to the showers to clean up for dinner.


"Hey... what are you doing up?" I yawned as I saw Percy walk over to the fountain.
"I can't sleep... you should go back to sleep." He whispered as shook my head.
"Nightmares..." I started as he knelt down next to me.
"What were they about? And how long have you been having them?" He whispers to me as he holds my shaking hand.
"About the Prophecy, and I've been having them for a while." I whispered back.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked a little sharper then I hoped he intended.
"I didn't want to worry you. I've had nightmares before, it's nothing new to me Perc. I promise." I whispered as he walked away to the glowing near the fountain. "What's that?"
"An iris message." He said as he threw a coin in.
"It's Nico." I breathed as Percy nodded not making a sound as we watched him.

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