We Have to Find Him

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"Hey... what are you doing up?" I yawned as I saw Percy walk over to the fountain.
"I can't sleep... you should go back to sleep." He whispered as shook my head.
"Nightmares..." I started as he knelt down next to me.
"What were they about? And how long have you been having them?" He whispers to me as he holds my shaking hand.
"About the Prophecy, and I've been having them for a while." I whispered back.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked a little sharper then I hoped he intended.
"I didn't want to worry you. I've had nightmares before, it's nothing new to me Perc. I promise." I whispered as he walked away to the glowing near the fountain. "What's that?"
"An iris message." He said as he threw a coin in.
"It's Nico." I breathed as Percy nodded not making a sound as we watched him.

The scene of Nico throwing his mythomagic cards into the flames, almost made me cry. He loved that game. He was only ten, but the year of pain had worn down on him tremendously making him look older. His hair was longer, his eyes darker, and he had gotten so pale. He wore ripped jeans, an oversized aviator jacket, and a black shirt. This image alone shows one way people deal with grief.
"Useless, I can't believe I ever liked this stuff." Nico muttered as tears welled up in my eyes.
"A childish game, master." Another voice agreed with him.

River Styx.

"I've failed, there's no way to get her back." Nico's voice dropped to a whisper. "Is there? Speak."
"It has never been done, but there may be a way." The ghost said.
"Tell me." Nico said with a fire in his dark eyes.
"An exchange, a soul for a soul." The ghost answered.
"I've offered!"
"Not yours." The ghost said before I got light headed.
"Are you ok?" Percy caught me before I fell back.
"Yeah, I'm probably just tired. Let me know what happens in the morning ok?" I asked as he nodded and I hobbled back to my bunk.


The next morning was full of excitement. A drakon with a bright green body stirred up a fuss as it circled the camp. Lee Fletcher and some of his siblings from the Apollo cabin shot arrows at it, but only ended up making it mad.
For breakfast I had a coffee and a strawberry parfait, but I scraped most of it in the fire for Poseidon. (I alternate days I give to Poseidon and Zeus.) Earlier Percy told me what happed and now he's pretty sure that Nico wants his Percy's life to give to Hades in return for Bianca's.
Chiron and Grover walked over to our table as Tyson quickly left from his fear of satyrs.
"How did you two sleep?" Chiron asked as Percy and I stole a glance at each other.
"Uh..." Percy started.
"Fine, thank you." I quickly cut in.
"Great. I brought Grover over, because I thought you two might want to discuss... ah, matters. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Iris messages to send. I'll see you all later in the day." Chiron said awkwardly as he galloped away.
"What was that about?" Percy asked Grover as Grover chewed on his eggs.
"He wants you to convince me." Grover sighed as Annabeth slid next to me.
"I'll tell you what it's about, the Labyrinth." She said as she stared at Percy.
"You're not super to be here." Percy said.
"We need to talk." She insisted.
"But the rules..." he tried.
"Look, Grover is in trouble. There's only one way we can figure to help him. It's the Labyrinth." She explained.
"You mean the maze where they kept the Minotaur, back in the old days?" Percy asked as I nodded. "So it's under some building in America?"
"Percy, the Labyrinth is huge, it wouldn't even fit underneath a city, nevermind a building!" Annabeth rolled her eyes at us as I drift in and out of the conversation.
"I can't do it! My searchers license, Pan. I'm going lose it all! I'll have to start a puppet theater." Grover said as he buried his head in his hands.
"Don't say that! We'll figure something out." Percy soothed as he put his hand on the Satyr's shoulder.
"You two are my best friends. Percy, you've seen me underground, in that Cyclops's cave... do you really think I could?" He asked through teary eyes.
"I believe you can." I smiled softly at him as he wiped his eyes and went over to Juniper.


Later that afternoon Percy and I went down to the Pegasus stables to visit Blackjack, and my Pegasus, Storm.

Later that afternoon Percy and I went down to the Pegasus stables to visit Blackjack, and my Pegasus, Storm

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Yo boss! Did you bring me some sugar cubes? Blackjack asked as he capered in his stall.
Princess! You came back! Get me out, please? This one is annoying me to pieces! Storm whinnied as I laughed and Percy gave Blackjack some sugar cubes.
"Here Stormie, try one." I smiled as she sniffed the cube and pulled away. "Fine... here you go Blackjack." I started to move my hand before Storm quickly chomped on it.
That is quite good... have any more? She neighed with delight as I gave her some more.
"You may be right, Blackjack. We'll see." Percy said as younger campers came in and we took our leave.


That night after dinner, Quintus had us suit up in armor.
"You will be in teams of two. Which have already been chosen!" He said as everyone complained stealing glances at the people they wanted to team up with, and he read off the names. "Percy Jackson with Arianna Summers."
"Nice!" Percy grinned as I smiled at him.
"Your armor is crooked... let me help you." I laughed as I fixed his strap. "There."
"Thanks." He smiled at me as I nodded and the next people were paired up.
"Grover Underwood with Tyson." Quintus announced as they both jumped and stared with pleading eyes at Percy and me. I gave them an encouraging nod as Percy gave them a thumbs up.
"They'll be alright. Now, let's worry about staying alive." I smiled as he nodded and followed me.


It was still light out when we got into the woods, but the trees made it look like night. It was cold outside too, even in summer. I pulled my sweatshirt closer to myself to keep the little warmth it produced close to my body as we set out to find whatever we needed to. We found tracks almost immediately and followed them to Zeus's fist.
"Over there." I said pointing the sword that Tyson made me.
"No wait, it's over there." Percy whispered as someone behind us said hi. We whirled around, swords in hands to come face to face with Juniper.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I live here." She answered.
"In the boulders?" Percy asked.
"No, in the juniper, duh." She sassed as I smiled." Are you guys busy?"
"Well, we are in the middle of a game trying not to die." Percy said.
"Not really, what's wrong Juniper?" I asked as she went on before telling us to hide.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now