Explaining Me

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"Who... who are you?" Percy asked.
"I am Hera. Queen of Heaven." She smiled at us. She scolded Grover sweetly for eating his napkin and then offered Tyson more sandwiches before talking with Annabeth. I took a bite out of my sandwich before I felt Hera glaring daggers into me.
"I'm not actually his daughter. I was brought here by an immortality curse put on me the second time I was 16. I'm just a human girl who was given powers that the people in my world can't even fathom." I explained as they all looked at me.


"Rioden will explain this to me, I don't care about you." She flipped her hair at me before turning to white smoke and leaving.
"What-" Percy started.
"Left." Tyson and Grover said in unison.
"How-" Annabeth tried.
"Something big is coming from the right." Grover said as we quickly took the left tunnel and ran. At this moment, I kinda zoned out for a while before coming back to the real world. We were finally at a place where we could rest, and set up camp in an older part of the Labyrinth.
"Get some rest everyone. We'll keep going in the morning." Annabeth said.
"How do we know when it's morning?" Grover asked.
"Just rest." She insisted as she laid her head down.
"I'm scared." Tyson sniffled, still clearly upset with the Hundred Handed One.
"Here, I'll protect you." I whispered as he scooted towards me and rested his head in my lap as I smoothed back his hair and started to hum a gentle melody.
"Can you sing for us?" Grover asked.
"Of course, just this once though, ok?" I said as he nodded and I started to sing.

Once I finished, I heard snores from Grover and Tyson.
"That was beautiful." Percy whispered as a blush took over my face.
"Thanks." I smiled lightly.
"How about I take first watch?" Percy offered.
"Ok, just wake me up when if anything happens, ok?" I asked as he nodded and I fell asleep on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around me comfortingly.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now