Back into the Pit

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After a few minutes of following Rachel in the Labyrinth, we found Kelli and she pounced on Rachel.
"March half bloods or you'll all die here, starting with the mortal." Kelli hissed as we followed her instead.
"You'll be very popular with our hossst." A snake woman said bringing me out of my daydream.
"Who's your host?" I asked.
"He'ssss your brother in law." She said as I blinked.
"You're engaged?" Rachel asked.
"Twice, but not anymore." I furrowed my eyebrows at the woman.
"Jacksssson'sss brother." The woman hissed as I looked over at Percy before remembering.
"Oh. Hold up, you think we're engaged?" I asked.
"That's what you're worried about?" Annabeth scoffed.
"The air isn't his friend. Remember that, Percy." I said vaguely.
"Don't worry, we'll wait here with your friends to make sure you behave." Kelli laughed.
"Good luck." I whispered before the pushed us apart and pushed Rachel, Annabeth, and I over towards Luke.
"Luke." Annabeth said looking up at him.
"Ariannah. How sweet of you to join us." Luke said as he snapped his fingers and a tight, black, sequined dress appeared over my body.

" Luke said as he snapped his fingers and a tight, black, sequined dress appeared over my body

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"Black isn't my color." I growled as an invisible force pushed me towards him. I looked back and saw Annabeth with a dark red face and a scowl cemented on her lips.
"You'll get used to it." He said as he made me sit next to him.
"No, I won't." I said and tried to get up before that invisible force pushed me back down. "What the Hades is that!?" I growled.
"You like it?" Luke asked.
"Hate it." I hissed.
"It's called an invisibility cap, kinda like Annie's." He said as I rolled my eyes.
"Touch me one more time and your hands are coming off." I threatened as they took the cap off and walked away. After he walked away Luke complimented Percy on his skill.
"Ethan." I whispered as he walked towards Percy.
"What did you say, love?" Luke asked as I scoffed and rolled my eyes and stood up before a hand pushed me down and I flipped him over my shoulder.
"I said don't touch me." I growled as Rachel tried to hide a laugh.
I remembered this part. Antaeus jumped down from the stands and was going up against Percy. I hoped that he would remember what I told him.
They fought for a while before I got tired and was about to shout out to him before a hand was placed over my mouth and I bit down, hard. So hard that I drew blood from the thing and it shrieked in pain.
"Jackson! I should have killed you long ago!  Luke yelled.
"Spare the two girls." He pointed at Annabeth and I as I got up and we ran towards Percy as he blew the whistle and Mrs. O'Leary smashed through the wall.
"Let's go! Heel, Mrs. O'Leary!" Percy yelled as we followed Rachel through the far exit with Ethan behind us.


As soon as we came to a stop, Ethan left and we made camp in the large room.
"When did you get in that?" Percy asked.
"After Luke snapped his fingers, and before I bit someone." I said. "I hate dresses. Especially with heels." I growled taking off the shoes and throwing them.
"You bit someone?" He laughed.
"And threatened to behand a person if they didn't stop touching her." Rachel laughed.
"I didn't think you were so violent." Percy laughed.
"I can be when I want to." I flipped my hair. "I'll be right back, I'm going to change." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bag and walked over to a dark corner.

Thankfully, I brought a hoodie and tugged that on over this before slipping on my dark blue converse and walking back over

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Thankfully, I brought a hoodie and tugged that on over this before slipping on my dark blue converse and walking back over.
"Better?" Rachel asked.
"Much." I said as I snuggled into my hoodie.
"There was something off about Luke." Annabeth said as I shut my mouth. "You saw it too!" She pointed at me.
"I can't say." I said.
"Bull!" She exclaimed. "You did it past time!"
"Because it wasn't going to change too much, and it hurts anyway, so no." I sighed.
"Why not!? What's wrong with him?" She asked.
"How would she know? She just saw him like you did. It's not like she knows the future." Rachel laughed as we all looked at her. "What? You know the future? Yeah right. Tell me something only I would know then." She said as I thought of a moment before whispering in her ear as she paled. "How?" She gaped at me.
"I'm not from this Earth, and I don't really want to explain it again. I know as far as I can and I'm not allowed to tell people how it ends cuz that could ruin everything, get it? Good." I flopped on the ground.
"He's my friend, Ariannah. I need to know so I can help him." Annabeth tried again.
"You can't, you never could." I said.
"That's because I didn't know! I can change it!" She begged.
"No. That might kill someone if I tell you. That disrupts the plot, and it would hurt you worse if you knew what happens later. So my answer will always be no." I frowned.
"What do you mean by it'll hurt me?" She asked.
"I can't tell you. All I can give you are vague hints on what's going to happen. Also, I have to do something later to save someone and that will mess up the plot horribly." I said.
"Who?" Rachel asked.
"Vague." I wrapped my arm over my face.
"You suck, you know that?" Annabeth scoffed.
"And you - never mind." I laughed at myself shaking my head.
"What? I what?" She exclaimed.
"Highly inappropriate inside joke. My brother an I used to make those jokes all the time." I grinned at Annabeth's burning face.
"Tell me!" She growled.
"Nope." I laughed.
"You're impossible." She barked.
"Thank you for noting! I try so hard." I teased.
"You really like annoying me, don't you?"
"I'm a little sister, I get joy out of annoying people, particularly my older brothers." I smirked as she scoffed and laid down to sleep.
"How many siblings did you have?" Rachel asked.
"6 older brothers, and a half sister I never got to meet. I've always been the baby of the family." I smiled lightly.
"Do you miss them?" She asked.
"Every second. If I could go back in time and spend more time with them, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You never know how little time you have with someone until they're gone." I sighed as she nodded.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Your parents do care, it's just hard to see when you're a teen." I patted her knee before I snuggled closer to Percy as he put my head in his lap and played with my long, blonde hair.
"Sweet dreams, Ari." He whispered.
"Goodnight, Percy." I smiled up at him before I slowly fell asleep.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now