Let the Games Begin

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It was still light out when we got into the woods, but the trees made it look like night. It was cold outside too, even in summer. I pulled my sweatshirt closer to myself to keep the little warmth it produced close to my body as we set out to find whatever we needed to. We found tracks almost immediately and followed them to Zeus's fist.
"Over there." I said pointing the sword that Tyson made me.
"No wait, it's over there." Percy whispered as someone behind us said hi. We whirled around, swords in hands to come face to face with Juniper.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I live here." She answered.
"In the boulders?" Percy asked.
"No, in the juniper, duh." She sassed as I smiled." Are you guys busy?"
"Well, we are in the middle of a game trying not to die." Percy said.
"Not really, what's wrong Juniper?" I asked as she went on before telling us to hide.

Shit... this is when we meet up with the scorpions. I thought as, sure enough, one giant scorpion came out. Soon, here come the other two. Mother fu-
"Climb?" Percy asked me.
"No time... look out!" I yelled as I parried the giant poisonous spike on its tail.
"In there!" Percy said as he started to push me towards the opening.
"It's too narrow." Hoping he wouldn't.
"Go! I'll cover you!" He did... I hate the dark. I squeezed myself through the tight boulders before I yelped and grabbed a hold of Percy's armor on accident and he stumbled into the dark pit along with me. He pulled out Riptide to illuminate the darkness a little bit as I clung to his arm.
"Are you ok?" Percy asked me as I held on tighter.
"I don't like the dark." I mumbled before telling him we need to get out of here.
"... where did the exit go?" He questions as I look for the triangle.
"Help me find a blue triangle. That's our way out." I said as I reluctantly released his arm and ran my hands up and down the walls. "Found it!" I sighed in relief as I pressed down on it to have it slide open and reveal a ladder leading to the outside.
"Percy! Arianna!" Tyson and the campers called out as we climbed up and out of the hole.
"Where have you two been!? We've been looking forever!" Annabeth and Clarisse bellowed at us.
"We were only gone for a few minutes. We fell into a hole!" Percy said.
"You've been gone almost 2 hours now." Clarisse said as my stomach dropped a little and I felt bile rising in my throat. "Are you ok Summers?" Clarisse asked as my eyes rolled back and darkness overtook me.

Percy's POV

"Are you ok Summers?" Clarisse asked as I looked over at the, now, extremely pale girl who was still holding my hand, as she nodded her head a little before her eyes rolled back and she crumpled. I swiftly caught her in my arms as the campers gasped and a few screamed. Will quickly ran over to us and instinctively put his hand on her pale face.
"We need to get her to the infirmary... NOW!" Will yelled as he grabbed my arm and started to run.
Will is usually laid back... this is new. If Will is freaking out, you probably should be too.
"What's wrong!?" I panicked.
"Did her eyes roll back?!" He asked feverishly as we ran.
"Yes... why?!" I asked as my stomach rolled.
"She's running an overly high temperature. She needs ambrosia and nectar right now!" Will tried to keep his voice as level as he could.
"Percy! Let me take her, I can heal her. It's a punishment for saying something she shouldn't have." Rioden said as I debated on weather or not I should. In the end I did give her over to him.
He muttered something in ancient Greek as she levitated in the air emitting a gold and blue light. Gold was probably for Zeus and blue was probably for Poseidon. Once he stopped he floated her back into my arms now wearing a blue and purple Greek dress fit for a princess.

 Once he stopped he floated her back into my arms now wearing a blue and purple Greek dress fit for a princess

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"Thank you... but what did she do wrong?" I asked as I held her closer.
"She told of the future." He said before he dissapeared and everything unfroze again.
"Percy! Co- what happened?" Will asked.
"She's all better now, a God came down and fixed her. She should wake up soon." I said as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I turned on my heal to walk to my cabin.
When I got there I set the sleeping girl down on her bunk and tucked her in before I sat down next to her.
"You are one of a kind Ari... how do you know the future?" I asked not expecting an answer.
"The books... do you remember the book I read to you my first day here?" She asked me as she put her hand on mine.
"Yeah, you said that they come out right after everything happens thought." I said.
"That was a lie... I didn't want anyone to know... if they did things don't go as planned, and someone could get really hurt... I got hurt today because I messed up. I've read how this goes about 100 times! I love these books! I can usually remember what happens next... but knowing and having others know is dangerous. Even just me knowing what's going to happen could ruin everything! I could hurt innocent people because I messed up." She cried out as she let go of my hand and pulled her legs close to her chest.
"You shouldn't put this all on your shoulders alone... it's hard. Let me help you. If you need to rant, anything, and I'll be here to do whatever you need." I sighed as I pulled her chin up to see her crystal blue eyes. We started to lean, not really noticing it, and were just about to kiss before a knock sounded on the door. We quickly pulled away as I told them to come in. It was Annabeth, Tyson, and Chiron.
"Are you ok?" Tyson asked Ari as she smiled up at him and nodded as he picked her up and squeezed her. Her laugh calmed me until I saw the uneasy look on Chiron's face.
"What's wrong Chiron?" Aria asked as Tyson put her down from squishing the life out of her.
"You two found the entrance into the Labyrinth." Annabeth said as Chiron gave her a look. I looked at Aria with a shocked expression as she looked back at me and nodded.
Later that night, Chiron told us about the quest and how we'd leave in the morning.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now