Goodbye Sunshine

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"Stop it!" I heard as I tried to sleep. I rolled over to see Percy slash Riptide through the water fountain. I quickly kicked off my blankets and jumped off the bunk bed to comfort him as he sunk to the floor.
"Hey? What happened?" I soothed as I held him close.
"Nico..." he whimpered.
"He'll be alright, we'll help him. It'll be ok." I soothed as I sat on the floor with him for the rest of the night.


Just after dawn, the quest group met at Zeus's Fist. I had packed my knapsack- thermos filled with nectar, baggie of ambrosia, bedroll, rope, clothes, flashlights, and lots of extra batteries. I had my new sword necklace, that Tyson made me, around my neck, and the magic shield wristwatch, that matches Percy's, on my wrist.
It was a clear and beautiful morning. The fog had burned off and the sky was a bright blue. Campers would be having their lessons today, flying pegasi, practicing archery, and scaling the lava wall. Meanwhile, we're heading underground. I took in the light of the sun as long as I possibly could before we had to submerge ourselves into utter and complete darkness.
"Percy, you look terrible." Annabeth frowned.
"He killed the water fountain last night." Tyson said.
"What?" She asked.
Before he could explain, Chiron came trotting over. "It appears that you are ready!" He tried to sound upbeat and peppy, but I could easily see through his facade. Percy asked if he could talk to him alone. I took this time to enjoy the sunshine just a little bit longer before Annabeth went over and interrupted them.
"Well, goodbye sunshine." Grover pouted.
"Hello rocks." Tyson agreed as I nodded and we descended into darkness.

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