Birthday Party

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The rest of the summer went by normally... well as normal as a summer being a demigod can go.
I couldn't help but notice Percy and Annabeth were staying away from each other... I mean, I know she still likes Percy, but this is getting awkward with them avoiding each other like this. Anyway, July passed with fireworks on the beach on the 4th, August was so hot, the strawberries started to bake in the fields, and finally the last day of camp arrived with the standard note after breakfast telling us to leave before noon, unless we wanted to be eaten.

At 10 o'clock Percy and I stood at the top of the hill and waited for the camp van to come and pick us up to take us into the city. I zoned out as Annabeth talked to Percy and Hera came over.
"Princess of Family everlasting, you and I are one in the same." Hera said.
"Yes and no, lady Hera. Yes, because we care about our families, but no because I would risk my life for every family, whole, broken, or almost nonexistent, and you would not. I come from a broken family, but that doesn't mean I care for them less." I said simply.
"Your mother hates you." She growled.
"I know, but there's a wise saying that I've learned to be completely true. Two wrongs will never make a right. I love my mother as much as I wish she would love me back." I said with a low growl behind my tone.
"You will regret this insult, princess, very much." She sneered at me as I nodded.
"Take care." Annabeth said as we got into the van.

Two days later was Percy's birthday.
"Happy birthday, Seaweed Brain." I hugged him around his neck before his mom came over to us with a blue cake. I kissed his cheek before going over to help Sally and Tyson blow up some balloons.
"Please your Highness, you really-." Sally started.
"Don't you dare, I am just Ari, ok? No princess business here, just weird Ari." I said with a playful glare.
"You do realize you'll have to get used to that, right?" She laughed as I nodded.
"Yeah, just not here. I'll be a princess somewhere else, just not at home." I smiled softly at her.
"Of course, dear." She grinned as we finished up the balloons and the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." I grinned as I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Poseidon in all of his fishermen glory. "Hi." I grinned as he hugged me.
"It's been a while, your Highness." He said as I gave him a look and he laughed.
"May I come in?" He asked Sally who was right behind me as she squeaked out a yes and he and Paul met awkwardly. "Mind if I take Percy away for a moment." He asked as we nodded.
After a while Sally got a little anxious and I put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxed.
"How do you do that?" She asked.
"I'll tell you later." I smiled as Percy came out.
We ate cake and ice cream until we couldn't and played some party games before Tyson bankrupted us in Monopoly. I saw Percy go into his bedroom and I slowly followed him in.
"Need some company?" I asked as I leaned on his doorframe.
"Sure. Want to help me garden?" He asked as I walked over next to him at the window.
"For Calypso?" I asked as he looked at me before turning and blushing. "It's ok, you know I know what happened. You came back to me. That's what I see, so thank you." I said before he slowly turned to me and we locked eyes.
"I'll always come back to you." He whispered as we started to lean in. His lips ghosted mine before a yelp sounded and we jumped away to see Nico.
"Sorry!" Nico yelled.
"We've got a lot to talk about." I said as they nodded and Nico climbed in.

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