The Cloven Council of... Oh Look at the Squirrel!

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After a long few hours of taking care of the injured, mostly everyone, the Council held an emergency meeting in their sacred grove. The three senior satyrs were there along with Chiron and me with a fancy looking flower crown on my head that was made of roses, azaleas, lilacs, carnations, among other kinds of flowers.
"Your Highness." Everyone bowed to me as a blush took over my face before I nodded and told them to rise. I remembered what happened here so I let my eyes follow a squirrel until it ran off and I focused back in again.
"We must exile this traitor!" Silenus said.
"I say no." Dionysus said.
"I vote no as well." Chiron said.
"No here as well." I said.
"Three to three. We can not stay at an impass!" Silenus exclaimed.
"My vote counts a two, so Grover shall stay." Dionysus said as I smiled. "Your Highness, I'm glad you have found your position at last."
"Indeed I have, but that doesn't mean that I won't sit back and watch." I said.
"I never pegged you as that kind of princess anyway." He nodded before we parted ways.
"Thank you, Ari!" Grover hugged me.
"Of course, although, if any of you start call me by my title, I will end you." I glared playfully as they laughed.
"Whatever you say, your royal princessness." Percy said as I laughed and shook my head at him.

Later that afternoon, I found Percy and Tyson talking down at the beach.
"Hey, you guys ready for dinner or what?" I asked.
"Yeah." Percy said as they turned towards me and we walked towards the dining pavilion.


I walked into the woods to find Percy and Nico talking and I waited until the end.
"Stay safe, Nico." I said as they turned towards me and Nico bowed. "Absolutely not. I'm still the same weird kid that always had to help you find your cards when you lost one." I said as he came over to me with a lazy smile and hugged me.
"I love you, Ari... like a sister though!" He said.
"I've always wanted a little sibling, I love you too, Nico." I kissed his head before we let go and he dissapeared into the darkness.
"I'm going to go to the campfire. See you there." I said to Percy before I kissed his cheek and walked away.

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