Dream Sword

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"Ariannah, the gods and I have made you a gift. The sword is called Tempestas Resistis also known as Storm Bringer. It will help you in your time of need that will arriving soon. Good luck." Zeus said as the other gods and goddesses filed in behind him.
I woke with a start as a cold feeling etched through my wrist to create a beautiful design of a lightning bolt and an ocean wave colliding. I rubbed my thumb over the tattoo as a long blue flaming sword materialized in my hand.

 I rubbed my thumb over the tattoo as a long blue flaming sword materialized in my hand

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The weird thing about the flame, it wasn't hot. It was as cold as ice. Next to me Percy shivered himself awake and gaped at the blue sword in my hands.
"Woah. What is that?" He asked.
"A gift from the gods." I said as Annabeth and Rachel woke up as well.
"Frozen fire? Where did you get that?" Annabeth gawked.
"The Gods sent it to me in a dream." I said as she hovered her hand around it, not daring to touch the blade itself. I carefully tapped my wrist again as the blade dissapeared and my tattoo reappeared on my wrist with a faint glow of blue outlining the tat.
"Cool." I whispered.
"Literally." Percy laughed a bit before we all went back to sleep and I curled into Percy for warmth.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now