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We pulled up to the entrance of Goode High School about a half an hour later.
"Just relax." Sally coaxed though she didn't sound to relaxed herself. "It's only an orientation tour. And remember, dears, this is Paul's school. So try not to... you know."
"Destroy it?" Percy finished.
"Yes." She replied bluntly looking past us at Paul Blowfis, who was trying to greet everyone.
"You haven't told him about us, have you?" Percy asked as Sally tapped her fingers nervously on the wheel.
"I thought we should wait." She admitted.
"So we don't scare him away?" I offered.
"I'm sure orientation will be fine, guys. It's only one morning." She jumped off topic.
"Great. I can get us both expelled before we even start the school year." Percy sighed as I rubbed his shoulder.
"Think positive! Tomorrow you're both off to camp! And after orientation you two have your date-" she grinned.
"It's not a date!" Percy and I exclaimed as my cheeks flushed.
"You're going to the movies."
"Just the two of you." Sally giggled.
"Mom!" Percy groaned as she held up her hands in surrender.
Just before we got out Percy froze.
"What's wrong?" I asked already knowing to was Rachel.
"N-nothing. Does the school have a side entrance?" He quickly asked.
"Down the block on the right, why?" Sally answered.
"I'll see you later!" He rushed as he ran.
"That boy of mine." Sally sighed with a grin playing on her lips.
"Gotta love him." I laughed as her eyebrows went up. "That's not what I ment!" I blushed hard as she laughed at me.
"Have a good day dear." She smiled as I wished her luck on her job interview before I left.
"Where's Percy?" Paul asked me.
"He went through the side entrance, don't worry, it's not you." I smiled at him as he told me where to go.

Soon I see Percy talking to two cheerleaders. The empousai. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to him.
"Hey ladies, I hope you don't mind me taking him to the gym, we're going to be late." I butt in as the girls glare at me.
"Thanks, the said they've been waiting for me." He thanked me as we walked into Paul.
"There you are!" He exclaimed as he escorted us to the gym telling us how this school deals with a lot of kids with ADHD like us as Rachel noticed us. Percy grabbed my arm and took off with me in tow to the gym.
"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked Percy.
"Rachel Elizabeth Dare." He said.
"And you're Percy somebody. I didn't get your full name last December when you tried to kill me. And who's this?" She sassed.
"I'm Arianna. Nice to meet you Rachel." I shook her hand.
"Great. Now that we all know each other, what are you doing here?" Percy asked with a snip in his tone.
"Orientation." She bit back.
"Hey, shut up. The cheerleaders are talking! And hey gorgeous." He grinned at me as I scowled at him.
"Hi guys! My name is Tammi, and this is like, Kelli!" The empousai introduced as Kelli did a cartwheel and Rachel yelped. I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Run. Now." Rachel whispered as she started to push Percy and me towards the exit.
We found her in the band room hiding behind a bass drum.
"Get over here and keep your heads down." She said as I followed her instructions. "Did they follow you?"
"The cheerleaders?" Percy asked as she nodded. "I don't think so, what are they? What did you see?" I was about to answer but shut my mouth realizing that if I say anything that I didn't actually see, things wouldn't go according to the book or just horribly wrong.
"Ok! All those monsters, and all those Greek gods- they're real." Percy said as I snapped out of my daydream.
"I knew it!" She exclaimed as she told about how hard it's been for her. "Wait, who are you? I mean really?"
"We're not monsters." I piped up.
"Well I know that, but you're not human, are you?" She questioned.
"We're half-bloods. Half human." I started.
"And half what?" She pushed just before the doors slammed open revealing Tammi and Kelli.
"There you are Percy Jackson and Arianna Summers. It's time for your orientation." They hissed.
They trapped us. Remembering what happens in the book to Percy, my head snaps over to the black haired boy with a dreamy look in his sea green eyes.
"Percy." I spin him around so he would meet my sky blue eyes and hopefully snap out of his trace. He didn't. I quickly kissed his cheek hoping that would work better, and it did. Tammi growled at me as she and Kelli morphed back into their original form.
"A vampire! With..." Percy yelled as Tammi bared her fangs.
"Don't mention the legs!" She hissed.
"We are empousai, servants of Hecate." Kelli snapped.
"Now, come give me that kiss!" Tammi bared her fangs as Percy froze and I pulled out my dagger to keep her away from the statuesque boy. Rachel helped me out by throwing instruments at the empousa.
"I don't usually kill girls but for you two I'll make an exception!" Tammi growled as she lunged at us. I pulled Rachel underneath me to protect her as Percy sliced into her. She let out a horrible scream as Kelli yelled at us for killing her trainee and body slammed me head first into a wall knocking me unconscious.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now