Camp Half Blood Bound

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I tried to get out, but I was trapped in a large singular room. I pulled a flashlight from my bag and once I turned it on I saw a glow of two eyes.
"Hello?" I asked as I heard a squeek and cautiously walked towards it.
"Back away!" A little boy said with a celestial bronze knife in his hands as he protected a little girl and a baby behind him.
"Please don't hurt us!" The little girl cried as she pulled the baby closer to her.
"It's alright, you don't have to be afraid. My name is Ariannah. What's yours?" I soothed as they visibly relaxed.
"Mateo." The little boy whispered.
"I'm Nianne, and this is Opal." The little girl said as her stomach growled and I sat down on the floor.
"Are you guys hungry?" I asked as I pulled out a few sandwiches and a juice pouch and they ran over to me. I handed them both a sandwich and offered to take the baby while they ate. They hesitantly handed over their little sister and I placed the juice in an extra bottle that I brought and placed it in her mouth. I wiped the dirt off her face to see she had pale skin, black hair, and blue eyes, Nianne had curly black hair and greenish blue eyes, and Mateo had blonde hair and blue eyes.


Guys, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, but half of this chapter is missing, and I can't get it back. I went into revision history, and it gave me a chapter from a different book... On a different account, so, again, I'm sorry.

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