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The next morning, Percy and I made sure Mrs. O'Leary had enough dog biscuits and asked Beckendorf if he'd watch her. I said goodbye to the kids, and Percy and I hiked up the hill to meet up with Annabeth and Argus on the road. I kinda zoned out, because last night while Percy was asleep I took The Battle of the Labyrinth out and read a few pages so I could refresh myself on what was going to happen next. It is now shrunk to the size of a thumb nail under my pillow. Thankfully, Riordan gave me the power to shrink and expand the books as much as I want.
Once we got to Percy's mom's apartment, Annabeth took off somewhere else.
"I told them you were alright." Sally said as she wrapped Percy in a hug before moving onto me. I love her hugs.
She sat us down at the kitchen and made us blue chocolate chip cookies as we told her everything. Percy, of course, tried to water down the bad parts, (which was most parts) and somehow made it more dangerous. When we got to the part about Geryon, his mom pretended to strangle him.
"I can't even get you to clean your room,but you'll clean a hundred tons of horse manure out of some monster's stables?" She scolded.
"Don't worry, I still can't get him to clean his side of the cabin." I teased as Percy blushed.
"So, you wrecked Alcatraz Island, made Mount Saint Helens explode, and displaced half a million people, but at least you're safe." She said as I nodded chewing on my cookie.
"Yeah, that pretty much covers it." I sighed.
"I wish Paul was here, he wanted to talk to you." She said.
"About the school?" I asked as she nodded. To be honest, I almost completely forgot about that. It feels like years ago since that happened and I zoned once more focusing on my cookie and how she made it blue. Every time I try to do this they turn green for some reason.
Soon after we called Rachel, we found her in front of the Marriott Marquis, and she was covered head to toe in gold paint.
"Should we push her?" Annabeth asked snickering.
"Hey, Percy. Good timing!" Rachel said as she jumped down from her podium. "Let's get some coffee."
We walked down to a place called Java Moose on West 43rd. Rachel ordered an Expresso Extreme, Percy and Annabeth ordered fruit smoothies and I got a caramel frappe.
"So, it's Annabell, right?" Rachel asked as Annabeth seethed.
"Annabeth." She said as I zoned.
"I just played dumb." Rachel said.
"Was it hard?" Annabeth muttered as I nearly choked as Percy got in between them and explained what is going on.
"Let me get changed. You'd better come with me into the Marriott." She said.
"Why?" Annabeth asked.
"Because there's an entrance in there like that in the basement." She said.
"I knew they were hiding something." I grinned as Percy looked at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"My dad's sister married the CEO of Marriott hotels." I said.
"Do you think they'll recognize you?" He asked.
"Probably not, they haven't seen me since I was born." I shrugged. "But anyway, none of my family is here. That I know of."
"What about your mom?" He asked.
"Let's hope not. She would have sided with Kronos." I sighed as he rubbed my shoulder.
"Who sided with Kronos?" Annabeth asked quickly. Maybe if I had paid more attention, I would have seen.
"No one." I shook my head as we continued on.

Thunderstorms And Ocean Waves *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now