Kill My Love: The beginning

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I never thought it would end this way. After everything we had been through together; in the end, he still gave up on me and left me alone to fight our battles. Which are now my battles? Now I have to fight them alone. I...I guess I just lost my balance when I was with him. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.

My name is Analise Hales, and I am a high school student at Rosewood High. I live in Manhattan, New York. I am 18 years old currently and love pizza. It's just been me all alone for as long as I can possibly tell you. I lost my parents, but I'm not really sure how though, I personally think a... vampire killed them - but that's ridiculous right?! I mean, vampires are just a myth.

"Hey Analise", oh that's my best friend Rylan, she is a total do I put this...rebel. But I still love her for who she is. Oh, and there is also this other girl named Vanessa George the mean, cool and popular girl of the school along with Caroline Fanton and Bonnie Cruise; those two are her minions, anyways enough about them. It's time for the first period of the school day and we have Calculus my least favourite subject with Miss. Pons.

So the day just went on and on, and to be honest I just wanted to go home, but I decided to stay since there were only 2 hrs to go. I was told to go and bring some paperwork for my teacher down to the office since she has to stay in class with the rest of us, but to be honest, I think she was just being lazy. I actually didn't mind seeing that everyone in the school including the staff had no problem with me so I took it down, but when I got there I froze and I mean literally froze right there on the spot, there, standing in front of me was the most gorgeous back of a man I had ever seen.

A/N: Hey, everyone, this is the author, I just wanted to let you know that thank you so much for checking my story out it really means a lot. Just a couple of quick things to get over with, first, my updating schedule is sort of all over the place right now because of life so I apologize I can't promise you any dates. Secondly, if you would like some sneak peeks of this story and all my other pieces of work, then follow me on Instagram at, Angel_x101. Thirdly, FEEDBACK IS ACCEPTED!!! I would love to see what changes or edits you would like me to make to improve my story for you all but please also be patient, I promise you that I have the first 4 chapters completed of this story and they are long for sure and on their way. Fourthly: please like my story, I promise that better pieces are on their way. And finally, HAPPY READING!!!!

*Also, the muses of the MC'S will be posted in the next chapter*

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