Kill My Love: The Kiss

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After school, I just started to head home because of Rylan, she had drama practice after school and couldn't hang out so I didn't know what else to do besides go home. As I was walking, Zane called my name and I froze, "hey! Analise, wait up!", "Oh! hi, Zane", I said in my normal cheerful voice but being careful to not sound too excited, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?", I couldn't believe it...Zane Salvatore was asking me out!, "yeah sure, I would love to", I can't believe I just said that... "ok, cool I will pick you up at 7:00?", "Yeah, seven sound great", "ok later, Analise", "yeah...bye also, I will text you my address".

"OMG!", said Rylan that evening, I can't believe Zane Salvatore asked you out! she said, "I know right?!, it's crazy". "Girl, it's like 5:00 pm are you going to go and get ready? "oh your right, Ry I gotta go, later".

And so I got ready for my so-called, "date" with Zane, I showered, put on a beautiful red dress which I had worn only once in my life because it was given to me by my parents a very long time go so that on my 18th birthday, I would wear it. Anyways so after that, I put my hair into luxurious diva curls and put on some make-up. By the time I was finished getting ready it was 1 min till seven. Then the doorbell rang and I opened the door.

Zane's POV:

I couldn't believe my eyes, the girl standing in front of me was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, her hair was neatly done, her makeup glimmered gently on her face as the street light shined on her face, her lips were gently touched up with lip gloss...oh how I wanted to taste those lips, to feel those lips, her dress was a short glittered red dress that showed off her curves gently. There was no question, I...was attracted to this woman.             Zane's POV finished

"Umm Zane, ZANE!", "Yeah, sorry you look... presentable". "Thank you...I guess you clean up pretty well too", oh who am I kidding he looked so damn gorgeous, he had on a tight full sleeve dress suite shirt which showed off his bodice including biceps which...were hard to believe because even Chris Hemsworth isn't that strong, all I'm saying is he didn't look human to me in some ways. But I mean what if he works out alot...yeah that's probably it. "Shall we?", he asked, "after you".

He had booked a table for us at a restaurant called, "Rosette In"; and allow me to just state out that this place was very fancy and expensive! 

"Good evening, Mr Salvatore", said the waiter, "Hello Charlie", replied Zane. "Your table awaits, follow me", "wow Zane, this seems like a pretty expensive place to me," I said, he chuckled, "I know but you see I have connections here". "Oh I see", just me or does this guy know how to laugh and make any girl feel jelly-like in the knees. "Here are your menus, now what would you two lovebirds like?", I literally blushed at the lovebirds part but Zayn just gave a calm smile to the waiter. "I will have the steak please and what would you like Analise?", "I am going to take the chicken avocado salad please"; "coming up right away". And with that, the waiter left to go and prepare our meals.

"So, you're a meat guy?", "yeah intend to enjoy meat a lot, you?", "sometimes..." I don't know why but when I mentioned meat, his eyes looked as if they were..."furious, searching, filled with deep hunger...

"Here are your meals, enjoy", "thank you", said Zayn. After dinner, Zayn took me to a garden I thought it was beautiful and so did Zayn, we were just walking along the bridge when he suddenly stopped in the middle with his words, "I want to get to know you", "you already do", "no, the real you", "ok then", "my name is Analise Hales, I am 18 years old and I lost my parents quite a long time ago about 10 years ago", "oh, I'm sorry to hear that", "thanks". He then gently grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him and I gently took in the gesture and laid my head carefully on his chest. "What about you?", "well, I'm Zayn Salvatore, 20 years old and I lost my mom 6 years ago", "well, I'm sorry to hear that who do you live with now?", "my father, we moved here because of his business and so I had to start school as well, just in my final year though".  

"May I ask how you lost your mom?", "It's sort of personal", "don't worry I completely understand".

He then slowly dazed his eyes away from my face and down to my lips and I bit my lower lip thinking that we both were asking for the same thing, without a second thought he cupped my face with one hand and tangled his other in my hair and pushed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but then realized that this was what I had wanted since the moment I saw him. I tangled my one hand in his smooth silky brown hair while my other hand went behind his neck.

Now, this was a moment I wasn't going to forget.

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A/N: Hey everyone once again thank you so much for so far being a part of the Analise and Zayn journey, so far I hope you all loved this chapter. You guys know the drill, feedback is always accepted and my insta is Angel_x101 if you want to follow me on there to stay updated. Love you guys and I will see you in the next chapter!

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