Kill My Love: This ends now!

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"I hope you understand everything that you were just told Annalise", said Mr.Roman, "I understand all the emotions you must be feeling right now, and I'm sorry your feeling this way". He was sorry? I'm the one that's who's sorry for beleving Dominique and thinking this entire time that mr.Roman was the murderer of my parents, I'm sorry for the way I treated Zane, I'm sorry for all of it. "I'm so sorry Mr.Roman, Zane", "I had no idea that Dominique would tell me such a big lie, and I blamed you for it and also ignored Zane", "I'm sorry, please forgive me", I said while crying I was just the person to blame for all this and it hurt so much knowing that I had completley ruined my chance with Zane and disrespected his father in front of him, how could he ever want a girl like me. "If you have any questions, now would be the time to ask". There wasn't much left to ask now that the truth was out, but something kept playing at the back of my mind this entire time and I think right now would be the right time to ask and get it over with. "When I first met Zane...", he gently lifted his face up and looked towards me, "your smile was beautiful, but you had these really shiny and sharp pointed teeth in the corners of your mouth, you had really pale skin which almost looked leathery", I said gently tracing my fingers down his cheek and dragging them across his jaw-line very carefully", " and you have piercing black eyes that look like their full of secrets, you also have speed in you... when I was about to leave the other looked like as if you had slept with your clothes on because you got dressed extremely fast for a regular human being, so my question is...what are you?". He stared in my eyes for what seemed like ages until he inhaled a deep breath and after his exhale he turned to look towards his dad who then have him a nod. "I didn't realize you noticed those things during our time together, but I'm glad you asked because there is no better time to mention this then now, so... here I go". "I am a vampire", "yeah great joke Zane, seriously?! Now let me guess your dad is a hybrid", "I'm detritus ok! I am a vampire and the reason is mother was one, my mothers name was Nathalia Salvatore". I just realized the fact that...Zane's last name wasn't Roman even though it should be... so why was his mothers last name joined with his?. "Your probably wondering why my name is Zane Salvatore and not Zane Roman, well it's because me and my mom were really close, she was like my best friend, and so in honour of her, I changed my name in to Zane Salvatore". Wow, I had no idea Zane would be this close with his mom...she must mean a lot to him. "I told Zane to keep a close eye on you", said Mr.Roman, "what do you mean? Has Zane been spying on me?!", "not exactly spying...just looking after you", "since when?", "since the day you met him". I just stood there, what the heck! So he has been watching me for nine months, what are they...stalkers?, " the only reason for this was because we wanted to make sure Dominique wouldn't harm you in any way". We?! in Zane was worried about me?, "now that you know the truth, and Dominique has pretty much prepared you, the only thing left to do is to gear you up, load you and then send you". "Wait, what are you talking about? gear me up, load me up, what?", "since you know now who the killer of your parents really is, don't you still want revenge?". He was right, now that I knew I'm really hunting down, why stop what I have started?, "well...I still want revenge, I still want to avenge my parents", "then if that's the case, we can help you, that is...if you would like our help". I though about it for a few seconds then replied, "yes, thank you". Mr.Roman gave me a gentle smile then nodded at Zane, they guided me towards a bookshelf which seemed a little odd to me at first but reached out and pulled a book halfway out then...the whole bookshelf came out and flipped! when it turned around I saw an entrance to what looked like a tunnel. it had stone walls and the only offering of light in the room was from the lit up torched attached to the walls on either end, carefully spaced out from one another. I started following Zane and his father and was soon lead in to a room which looked jaw dropping. It had some nice metel walls which looked quite unbreakable along with these huge tube lights that hung from the roof above and the most exciting part, there was an entire wall full of all sorts of weapons! it was an amazing sight. "I hope this is just as good as the HQ Dom has opened up", said Mr.Roman in a very carcastic way, "are you kidding?! this is way nicer". "I'm glad", "ok, so what's the plan?", asked Zane ina very sereious tone of voice. "Quite simple actually, we get her a suite, load her up with a few gadgets and weapons and once she reaches HQ we keep watch until she goes in and ful fills her wish". Hearing it from him just made me want to shut Zane's questions up in his brain and just go!  But I knew that whatever Zane had to ask must have something to do with the upcoming events. "What about her saftey? she will need back up at some point", "your right son, you will go with her inside the agency". Ok this is just great, the number one person who probablly hates me more then anything right now is going to come with me as my back up. "ok", he calmly answered. "What the heck?", I though to myself, "why would he agree to come with me? is he feeling okay?", I'm fine Annalise now lets just get going". Mr.Roman pointed towards a change room in the corner, he said there was a suite waiting for me in there, I was just so freaking excited that I immediatly started walking towards that room. I pulled open the curtains as my eyes fell on the most killer looking spy suite I had ever seen, even Dominique's creations didn't stand a chance against this! It was navy blue with silver arm, waist and leg belts. Beside it were two wrist cuffs which were also silver to match with the suite, one of them had a digital screen planted in it, and to top off the outfit there was a white ear-peice and some navy blue high boots. I stepped inside, and made myself a part of this suite. "She stepped out, looking dazzling and feirce, but this time... it wasn't the outfit that made her look beautiful, it was who she had become". "I have never seen a woman struggle as much as I've seen her struggle, I have never seen a woman with a broken heart as much as hers and I most certaintly have never seen a woman so determined , so brave and passionate about what she has to do". When I stepped out , I was felt amazing. I was ready to go and destroy the man who had destroyed my life!. "Ready?", asked Zane, "ready", I replied. Mr.Roman provided me with all the weapons I was going to need for this mission, he attached a gun to my waist belt, a buckle with a button on it to activate stelf-mode, a tracker, lazer revealing powder, a blade which I can have acess to through my digigtal screen on my right wrist cuff and a bunch of other cool things. After that Zane and I got into his car, I almost forgot what this felt like, sitting inside his Lamborgini but the last time in here was on better circumstances...much better circumstances. It took us less then half an hour to reach the HQ due to Zane's speed driving skills. As I got out of the car, I inhaled a deep breath. I stood outside of Zane's car and made sure to say my next few words loud and clear, "this,ends,now...".

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