Kill My Love: I've never felt better

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I pulled out my gun and entered the building with Zane right behind me. I cautiously moved around and constantly kept turning back just to make sure he was still there. And then...I herd hands clapping together. "Well,well isn't this a lovely surprise, Annalise,'s your father". I felt Zane look away in disgust thinking that a man like him could be related to him. "Your time is up Dominique, I know everything, how your the one who actually murdered my parents, how you made me think that Zane's father was the one who...,and not forgetting how many people turn against not just me! but eachother aswell". "Oh come on now you know that's not t-", "yes it is and don't you dare you dare try to make up another life", "oh fine, since now you know the truth let me give you a gift for figuring out it was me who killed your pathetic parents". My hands formed fists, ready to dodge them in his face any second, but then I flet Zane's hand cover my fist and I felt his hand cover my fist and I felt calm again. "What is our connection?",  I wondered, "he hates me, but still bothers to calm me down, care for me and show me some type of affection". Then...I herd footsteps coming from behind, we immediatly turned and the figure of a woman was walking towards us, she looked sort of familiar but then. I just stood there completely in shock, "no!", my mind yelled, "this can't be...this isn't real...or true!", "may I introduce you too Rylan Dominique, even though you should already know who she is", "let her go! why do you have her here?!", "I think it's time I tell you...", "tell me what?", "that she is my daughter". Had I herd that right? did he just say that my best friend Rylan is his, and I mean HIS daughter?!. "What is wrong Annalise? you look shocked, surprised even?". "Rylan...", I started to speak with a croaking voice, "for six years you knew?", "you knew that Dominique killed my parents and you still-", "yes I knew that my dad finished off your parents!", "so all this time how you told me that as a child you went in and out of orphanages and how every family that ever had you just ended up placing you back in the orphanage...was that all just a made up-", "lie! yes it was and don't try to act all innocent they were killed for all the reasons, your great grandfather assasinated my grandfather!", "and now it's time for payback, your parents are already gone, and now it's your turn...". She pulled out her gun and aimed it right at my heart. I felt so much betrayel, all the memories sent flashbacks through my mind, when I first her, she was getting bullied outside our middle school. It was the first day of seventh grade and I couldn't just watch and let that happen to her so I went and stood up for her against those bullies and made sure they never bothered her again. I couldn't beleive it, I had actually made a friend that day and since then we never seperated. And now today, at this very second, that same friend is holding me at gun point. I couldn't keep a broken face anymore, I couldn't let the tears escape my eyes and I most certainly wasn't going to have my death wish granted today, like this. I looked her straight in the eyes and as soon as I herd the gun shot, I activated stelf-mode. I watched her reaction, confused, angry and most of all she looked terrified. I re-appeared behind her and grabbed her by the neck. "Listen to me Ry! you don't have to do this!", "yes I do!", she yelled and broke free of my grip. She ran towards me this time a blade that was attched to something on her arm, but thanks to her father's traning, I was able to dodge all of her aims at me. Then, Zane came and grabbed her from behind, I took activated my blade from my suite and said, "I wish I didn't have to do this", and without flinging...I aimed right at her heart and made my move. She was gone, in less then a minute, Zane let go of her and came to stand beside me. "I'm sorry", "why?", "because you thought she was your best friend when really she was just friends with you so she could report to her father". At the exact word father I realized we toatlly forgot about Dominique! I turned around only to see that he wasn't there! I began to run hoping to find him somewhere nearby hut then, Zane grabbed my wrist, then his eyes turned bright red and he squinted them, then they went back to their usual black colour. "He's on the roof of the building, let's hurry!". And so we ran up towards the roof of the building, Zane would've been there by now but he ran with my pace so I could keep up with him, which was actually kind of cute. Once we reached the roof, he was standing at the very edge, his back towards us, his front facing the breathtaking view of the city. It actually semmed quite peaceful up here, the city was the magnit and I was the metal, that is how I've always felt about New York and I'm glad to be living here. But this peaceful mindset didn't last long, I was immediatly brought back to the present event and I was well aware of the sitation I was in. "Isn't it lovely Annalise?", he asked me with genuine sarcasm in his voice still not facing me. "Your just as pathetic as your daughter!", yelled Zane. At that he turned around as quick as a lightning bolt about to attack a human, his face had a emotion of furiosness and a hint of...sadness. "You killed her...didn't you", "yes...I did", "well, that's unfortunate", he said calmly. "She was your daughter! how do you not care about her death?!", "man you really are a cold, worthless man!", I yelled back at him. "You know nothing! she was my daughter! she was my only reason to live and now! she's gone forever because of you!", "she isn't gone because of me! if you had only been a father to her instead of a monster, if only you had walked her to school in seventh grade, if only you had been there for her during the hard times of her life! if only...".  I pulled out my gun and aimed at his forehead, "your existencedidn't just ruin one or three lives but you ruined four lives Dominique! and there is no forgivness for what you did". I pulled the trigger and BAM!...he fell off the roof. I just stood there with the gun in my hands, my hands shaking. "I can't beleive I juts did that", I did what I had been meaning to do for months, and today I did it! I felt Zane come behind me and have me a gentle hug as tears began to escape my eyes, these tears were the tears I have been meaning to cry forever, they were a mix of both sadness and releif. As we stood there, I could hear sirens of police veichels and ambulances in the distance.

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