Chapter 1: Hunting Lesson

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Hunting wasn't Abby's speciality, she sucked at it. Her brother Eli Palmer, always promised to take her hunting and teach her but never did. She raised her bow, aiming it to a nearby deer, before pulling the the string and releasing it weakly. The arrow fell a few feet next to the deer, the animal giving her a look before running off.

"Well that sucks" Abby said to herself.

"That was terrible little lamb" a voice behind said.

Abby turned her head around and saw a tall, muscular man leaning against a tree. "Not much of a Hunter are you?" He asked her.

Abby was startled upon seeing this man, his rough voice sent shivers down her back. She shook her head, giving him the answer he wanted. The man slowly approached her, eyeing her up and down the whole time.

"You don't speak? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He asked, circling around her like she was prey. "Hmm, don't think I've ever seen you around. You new to this County?".

"Yes" she answered softly, the word barely coming from her lips. "I don't live here. Just came to visit my brother".

"It shows. You don't really look like a local with the way you're dressed. Knew you were an outsider the moment I laid my eyes on you".

"Who are you?" Abby asked, curious.

"I'm the leader of this region. Jacob Seed's the name" he replied back.

"Leader? My brother said that he was the leader of this region" Abby scratched her head with confusion.

Jacob stopped right in front of her, eyebrows raised and confusion was written all over his face expression. "Who is your brother?".

"Eli Palmer".

"Well that explains everything" Jacob whispered to himself.

"Now that I think about it, he has told me a lot about you. Well he also told me to not interact with you so I'm just going to leave now" Abby said, walking past him.

"I can teach you how to use that little lamb" Jacob called out behind her.

Abby paused in her spot, looking down at the bow in her hand. All she ever wanted was to learn how to hunt but whenever she visited her brother, he always had an excuse to not teach her. Yet, he expected her to hunt some food for them every time she visited. This was the first time Abby met Jacob, even when she heard all those stories about Jacob and his siblings. They told her that they were horrible people and that she needed to stay away from them, so Jacob's offer took her by surprise. She turned around and looked at Jacob.

"What's the catch? Eli says that you put people in cages and torture them" Abby crossed her arms around her chest.

Jacob chuckled a little before approaching her, "no catch. You look like you want to really learn how to use that and I'm offering to help you".

Abby pondered for a while, she wanted to accept his offer but something didn't feel right about it. If this man was as evil as her brother said he was, she couldn't take the risk. "Thanks but I really should get back home. Maybe next time". She shrugged her shoulder before waving goodbye and rushing away from Jacob.


"Abby? Where have you been? I was about to send out a few of my men" Eli was angry. His younger sister was gone for 3 hours when he had specifically told her to be home in an hour.

"Well Eli, if I have to remind you. I'm terrible at hunting. I've got absolutely not fucking skills and you sent me out to do the hunting" Abby raised her voice. "What the hell did you expect?".

Eli sighed and nodded, accepting her argument. "You're right. I'm sorry Abby. I was just worried that you might have been captured by those Seed's".

Abby looked down at the ground, hiding her feared expression from her brother. She wasn't captured but she did come across Jacob Seed. "Well as you can see I wasn't. Why are you so rude for? I come to visit you and you've been treating me like crap".

"That's not true Abby. I've been really busy fighting against that sicko and his army" Eli sighed again and approached his sister. "Look, I'll do my best to take you out tomorrow to help you with the hunting. It'll be my way of making it up to you. How does that sound?".

"That sounds great" Abby smiled and ran off to her guest bedroom.


The next day, Abby got changed in a short brown dress with boots. Excited that she was finally going to spend a day hunting with her brother. She ran out of her room and walked into the kitchen of the Wolf's Den.

"I'm ready for our day of hunting" Abby said excitingly.

"Awesome let's go" Eli stood up from the dining table.

The training lesson had been going on for an hour. Abby was enjoying her time with her brother, it had been a while since they've been together like this. She had a huge smile on her face and she was finally learning how to use the bow and arrow until they were interrupted.

"Eli, sir. Something has happened at the Lumber Mill. We need assistance" one of the Whitetail militia people radioed.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"The Peggies. They've bought another truck full of prisoners and have already killed two"

"Shit. Ok I'm coming" Eli radioed back. He looked up at Abby and saw the disappointment in her eyes. "I'm sorry Abby. I have to do this". Without saying another word, Eli grabbed his bag and ran off, leaving his sister all alone.

"For fucks sake" Abby threw her bow on the ground with force. She leaned against a tree and sat down slowly, covering her crying face with her hands. She hadn't seen her brother for almost a year, before making the decision to fly out to Hope County to see him but she didn't expect this. Abby thought that Eli would at least make more of an effort with her this time but she was proven wrong. Suddenly she started hearing footsteps approach her, she looked up and saw Jacob standing in front of her.

"Let me guess, you're brother didn't take you out hunting again?" Jacob asked, his arms crossed around his chest.

"This time he did but he just left" Abby said, lowering her head back down on her knees. "I should know by now that I shouldn't be coming here. This has been the third time I've visited him and all three times, he did the same thing".

"Some brother" Jacob said. "Then again I'm not surprised. Eli Palmer is a massive jerk and it's clear as day now that I've seen how he treats his sister". Jacob took in a deep breath and kneeled down in front of her, "how about I continue to teach you how to hunt?".

Abby lifted her head up again, looking right into Jacob's sky blue eyes. "Really? You still wanna teach me even after what happened yesterday?".

"Yeah" Jacob smirked. "No catch".

"Umm... Yeah.. ok" Abby shyly accepted, standing up and grabbing her bow from the ground.

Jacob decided to help her continue shooting arrows at targets that she and Eli had set up. First he showed her how he uses the bow before handing it back to her. Abby raised the bow, aiming it at the target, then released the bow string. Unfortunately for her the arrow went straight onto the ground and not at the target that was hanging on the tree. He shook his head and walked behind her.

"You're doing it wrong" Jacob whispered. He put his arms around her and lined up her arms correctly. "Now keep your back straight, especially when you let go of the string". He dropped his arms to his side and watched Abby from behind. This time the arrow she launched hit just below the target. "That's a little better but not perfect".

He put his arms around her again, this time the both of them stopping and admiring the feeling of their skins touching each other. Abby's heart started pounding fast and her palms were getting sweaty. She turned her head around and looked up at Jacob, who was looking at her the whole time. Suddenly something hit the both of them, a sudden feeling of connection. Something they both never felt before with other people. Their touches felt comforting.

"Can you teach me how to hunt from now on?" Abby asked, breaking the silence.

"If it means I get to see you more often, then I don't see why not" Jacob smirked.

Mountain Lovers (Jacob Seed X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now