Chapter 3: One Year Ago

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Jacob and Eli's rivalry had paused for the moment. Both men didn't do a thing to get each other angry, it seemed that they both were still upset about Abby leaving because of their fight. Eli was upset with himself for arguing with his sister just as she was about to leave, instead of trying to convince her to stay in Hope County. Jacob was regretting that he hadn't told her how he actually felt about her and it was eating him up from inside.

Abby was gone for almost two months now, her comments about never returning seemed to be real and Jacob was starting to believe that she wasn't coming back. He had set out with a few of his judges to the hunting spot that he and Abby always met up. He always went there with hopes that maybe Abby returned and was waiting for him but upon arriving all he saw was emptiness. His hopes flushed out of his once again, making him sigh as he sat down against the tree they used as target practice. He had only had this feeling once before and that was with his wife, who had passed away a long time ago. Jacob didn't think he'd ever have these feelings again, especially for a young girl like Abby but here he was. Those same exact feelings that he had for his wife, had returned and there was nothing he could do about it.

Abby wasn't coming back. It was clear as day but Jacob wanted to believe that there was still hope. He wanted to believe that she'd come back and he'd be able to tell her his feelings. He leaned against the bark of the tree and looked up at the sky that was covered by the leaves and branches of the tall trees. Small amount of blue skies were seen and a little dim of sun light was making its way through the small gaps. Jacob let out another sigh.

"Why so sad Jacob?" A familiar voice said. Jacob put his head back down and saw Abby standing in between two trees. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating but when his eyes opened again, she was still standing there.

"Abby?" Jacob slowly stood up and approached her. The moment his skin made contact with her, he knew he was not hallucinating and that she was really there, standing in front of him.

"Hey" she smiled. "I've missed you Jacob".

It was that moment, Jacob grabbed her and pulled her closer to him. Hugging her ever so tightly. "I've missed you too" he whispered against the top of her head. "I've missed you so much".

Abby pulled away and placed her palm on his scarred cheek. "I've been thinking about you so much that I had to come back. Every day I replayed all those things you said to me about wanting me to stay with you".

"Please tell me that you do" Jacob looked deep into her hazel eyes.

"I do Jacob. I want to be with you and I know how silly that sounds, considering we've only know each other for a short time" Abby blabbed on. "I.. I love you Jacob".

Jacob was taken back by Abby's words. He had no idea she felt the same way. With excitement, Jacob cupped Abby's cheeks and placed his forehead against hers. "I love you too Abby. Please don't leave me".

Abby let out a small chuckle, followed by a small sob. "I won't. I want to stay here with you forever" she admitted and her words were music to Jacob's ears.

"There is nothing more I want Abby. I'll protect you with my whole life. No one will ever hurt you, not even your brother. I promise" Jacob pulled Abby in for another hug. Both their arms wrapped around each other, tighter than before.

The regret of not telling Jacob how she felt about him, caused her to have dreams of him every night. Dreams where she couldn't tell Jacob she loved him and then he ended up dying right in front of her, by her own brother. Her dreams were telling her to go back to Hope County and to tell Jacob everything, before something bad happened to him. She couldn't trust her brother anymore, he would hurt Jacob if he had a chance. Abby was worried that if she told Jacob how she felt, he would pull away from her considering that they've known each other for a short time. But now that she knew Jacob felt the same way for her, it made everything so much more easier.

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