Chapter 2: Feelings

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Shattered and disappointed, almost three weeks ago Jacob had promised Abby that he'd help train her more with hunting but the fight between Eli and Jacob escalated. After freeing most of the Whitetail Militia from the Lumber Mill, Eli and Jacob had gotten into a physical fight against each other and right in front of Abby. Eli was no match for the Soldier and ended up with terrible injuries. A broken nose, split lip, a black eye and bruised ribs. Seeing the two of them fight like that, not only scared Abby but made her feel angry.

For two days now, that's all Abby could think about. One was her brother and the other guy was someone she had slight feelings for but after seeing what Jacob had done to her brother, she pulled away from him and locked herself in the Wolf's Den just so she doesn't see Jacob.

"Abby?" Eli called out from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?". When he didn't get a response, he opened the door and walked in anyways. "Abby, I just wanted to apologise".

"It's fine" Abby responded with frustration. "I've made a decision to go back to Missoula. Most likely tomorrow or Friday".

"That quick? I thought you said your visit this year was going to be longer. You've only been here for four weeks".

"Yeah well, I'm not going to lie Eli. It's been the worse four weeks of my life. Hope County is a disgraceful place to be. Every direction I look, people are fist fighting, throwing verbal abuse at each other. This place is pathetic" Abby stood up from her bed and walked up to Eli, stopping right in front of him. "This County changed you Eli. You use to be the most loving and caring brother but now.. now you're just a fucking jerk. Pathetic just like this County".

"Abby. I..." Eli struggled to speak. His sisters words hurt him but he knew the truth hurt. He looked down at the ground and nodded. "I understand. Will you visit again?".

"Most likely no. I don't think I'll ever want to step another foot into Hope County. If you want to see me, you know where I live in Missoula. You can come and visit from now on" Abby said. She grabbed her phone and left the Wolf's Den.


She sat at a nearby lake, watching the water sparkle each time the sun hit it. Abby was lost in her thoughts once again, remembering the fight between Jacob and Eli. She knew that leaving Hope County would be the best thing to do. Eli and Jacob were at war, both wanting to be leaders of Whitetail Mountains and both were willing to kill the other for the title.

"Haven't seen you in two days" a voice behind her, bought her out of her thoughts and making her turn her head. She sighed when she saw Jacob standing behind her and immediately turned her head back.

"What do you want?" Abby asked.

Jacob sat down next to her and looked out at the lake water as well. "Wanted to see if you were okay?".

"I really don't know how to answer that Jacob" Abby looked at him. "You almost bashed my brother to death and right in front of my eyes as well".

"He had it coming" Jacob said under his breath. "Don't expect me to apologise. I'm not sorry for what I done to Eli. I told him multiple times to back off but he just doesn't listen and that's what happens when you don't".

"I'm going back home tomorrow" Abby informed Jacob. He looked at her immediately. "I can't stay here anymore".

She saw Jacob nod before looking back at the lake water. "When can we expect you to visit again?".

"Like I told Eli, I'm not going to come back to Hope County" Abby looked away. "You and Eli make this place a complete hell to stay in. How the citizens don't see that, amazes me but as an outsider, it's disgraceful and unbearable".

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