Chapter 17: The Harsh & Twisted Revenge

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Warnings: Character death

"Aunty Tess, we have to do this"

"Abby, No! I will not allow anyone from our blood die" Tess cried. She was against the plan that Jacob and Joseph had come up with, in order to bring Eli down once and for all.

"Don't be selfish Aunty. Eli took John and Faith's lives. Is that fair for Jacob and Joseph?" Abby was trying her best to convince her Aunty.

"Of course not. But I'm sure we can just hand Eli over to Hope County jail and let him do his time. Right?" Tess continued to argue.

"Do you really think I like to idea of my brother dying?" Abby asked, crossing her arms.


"That's right. No! But after everything that Eli has done. All those countless people who died or hurt and broken by him, deserve justice" Abby continued. "What about dad? Your very own brother? What happened to him?"

"He left" Tess replied back, saddened as she remembered the past.

"And why did he leave? Because of Eli and the terror child he was. My mum became sick and not once did Eli do anything to help her. Instead he packed his bags and moved here, to Hope County, not giving a crap about his mothers condition" Abby explained, holding her tears back as she went through everything with her Aunty. "He looked me in the eye and promised me that he would not hurt Jacob or his family, after finding out I was pregnant. What did he end up doing? Killing John and Faith".

"Abby enough" Tess finally gave in. "You're right. Eli is a dangerous criminal. My brother even said it with his own mouth, "my son is a psychopath and he is going to hurt so many people". That's why your father left. He knew Eli was going to dirty our last name".

"And the Deputy that came here and started that war, was enough for Eli. He can't keep going on like this Aunty Tess. He will hurt my daughter and I will not let that happened. Nor would Jacob. That's why we have to do this and end Eli immediately" Abby was sure she had finally convinced her Aunty to go through with the plan.


After her huge effort to get her Aunty onto Jacob's side, Abby sat on the bed and rested her back against the headboard. She thought about her brother and how good things would have been, if he wasn't such a bad person but the thing that really got her, was the thought of how much of a bad person he really was. Maybe he really did need help when he was younger. A doctor or something would have done a great amount of help but instead of getting him that help, their father ran away and their mother dedicated herself to work, in order to keep a roof over their heads. No one really showed that they cared for Eli, maybe that was the reason for why he had become this dangerous person and he was getting his revenge on all sorts of innocent people.

"Pup! You alright?" Jacob's voice came from the entrance of the bedroom.

"I'm tired Jacob" Abby started to immediately cry. "I want all of this to end. I can't take it anymore".

Jacob sighed and made his way to the bed, sitting next to Abby. He held her hand in his and smiled at her, "it will honey. I promise you. Soon we will focus on our daughter only but you know I can't do that until Eli is out off the picture".

"I know. That's why we need to do this right away. Ava is going to be born soon and I'd rather have her come into a peaceful world" Abby said.

"We can end this tomorrow if you wanted Abby. You know that right? Everything is ready" Jacob informed her.


Eli sat in his Wolf's Den and watched the empty tv screens. He was amazed that no one ever came and searched for him in his famous bunker or maybe they knew he was in there but have been planning on a way to attack him. Nonetheless it didn't worry Eli at all. He had finally got his revenge on John Seed, after John murdered his beloved Deputy and he was sure that Jacob and Joseph were suffering enough with the deaths. As for his sister and Aunty, Eli didn't care much for them. They had chosen to be on the wrong side and they had paid for it as well. He was certain that Faith and John's death was enough for them too.

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