Chapter 10: Leaving Hope County

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Days went by, Jacob and his men have been out hunting for Eli Palmer after he had escaped from the Veterans Centre. Jacob didn't let Abby get involved in the hunt for her brother, from fears that Eli would do something to her.

It was a Thursday morning and Abby was out driving to meet up with Jacob and John at one the Elk Jaw Lodge. Her drive was peaceful but Abby was still in full alert when she remembered her brother was out there somewhere.

Suddenly Abby was met with another car driving in her lane. She stepped very hard on the breaks, making the truck screech till it came to a stop. Abby didn't have a chance to come back to herself, when the drivers door swung open and Eli popped his head down.

"Out off the truck" he ordered his sister and Abby immediately complied. He shut the car door, grabbed his sister by the arm and started dragging her to his car.

"Eli, let go of me" she begged through her teeth constantly but Eli never complied. She laid a kick on the back of his knee, making him fall on the ground and letting her arm go. Abby found the opportunity to run away but Eli was already back on his feet. He slammed her against the truck and pulled a gun out, holding it to her head.

"It all ends here Abby. You and I are leaving Hope County for good and going back to Missoula" Eli explained.

"No way. I'm not going anywhere with you" Abby contested.

"You have no choice Abby. You can either leave Hope County with me and none of the Seeds get hurt OR I'll kill your boyfriend's precious little baby brother" Eli smirked evilly, satisfied with himself. "If you really love Jacob, then I'm pretty sure you'd want him and his family to live. Right?"

Abby nodded slowly as she continued to play every single word that her brother had said. If she ended up choosing Jacob over her brother, then it meant that John was going to be in danger and most likely be killed. This was sure enough to tear Jacob apart. But if she left with her brother right now, not only would John be safe but her lover would not face a devastating heartbreak.

"You see this?" Eli asked as he pulled out a tiny remote control from his pocket. "This is a remote control. If you choose Jacob over me, I'll press this button and blow John's car. With. Him. In. It" Eli threatened.

Abby's eyes grew openly wide. Her heart started racing and tears began forming in her eyes.

"I planted the bomb in John's car last night. I prepared for it all and right now John's life is in your hands Abby" Eli warned her. "You come with me and your boyfriend keeps his little brother but if you don't come with me, John's dead".

Suddenly, a noise was heard from one of Eli's pockets. He slowly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and an evil smile formed on his face. He turned the phone around to show Abby that John Seed had just jumped into his car. At that moment Abby knew that she needed to make a decision, which would see her leave Hope County with her brother and John Seed surviving.

"Ok. Ok. I'll come with you Eli" Abby started crying as she continued to watch poor, innocent John smiling while driving. She felt absolutely bad for him. He had no idea that his life was in danger and that his life was in the palms of his big brothers, girlfriends hands. "Please don't hurt John or Jacob".

Eli pointed at his car, indicating that Abby needed to jump in his car to prove that she was going to leave Hope County with him. With no hesitation, Abby did exactly that. Each step she took to her brothers car, hurt her from inside. Eli followed from behind and the both of them jumped into the car together.

"Say your final goodbyes to Hope County Abby Palmer. You'll never see this place and Jacob ever again" Eli said as he started driving.


It had been an hour since John arrived at the Elk Jaw Lodge but the two brother were still waiting for Abby, not knowing that something had occurred. Jacob continued to pace up and down in one of the rooms, upstairs. Worried that something might have happened to his girlfriend.

"Calm down Jacob. I'm sure she's just running a little late" John reassured Jacob but it was useless.

One of Jacob's hunters came rushing into the room, a nervous and very worried look on his face. "Sir".

"What?" Jacob finally stopped in his spot.

"We just got a call from a bunch of our other hunters" the man started explaining nervously. "They found Abby's truck on the middle of the road".

"Is she ok?" Jacob asked worriedly.

"We're not sure sir. She wasn't in the car or anywhere nearby" the man replied back. "But I believe that our men found a note on the window with your name on it".


Jacob and John rushed to the scene of where Abby's truck was left stranded. More of Jacob's hunters were already on the scene, searching in the nearby forests for any signs. One of his hunters handed him the letter that was left and almost immediately, Jacob had a sick feeling in his stomach, as he slowly opened the letter.

"Dear Jacob Seed
By the time you read this, Abby and I would have left Hope County for good. I decided that fighting against you and your family was a waste of time, so all that ends right now. Abby was willing to leave with her big brother in order for your brother, John to survive. You can almost say, she sacrificed herself for John.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that you'll never see me and Abby ever again. Don't worry Jacob. From this day forward, I'll be taking care of her. I'll make sure she finds someone that'll love and support her just as much as you did. Someone that can take you out off her mind and someone that she can have a proper family with.

Whitetail Mountain is all yours. At least you can be happy about that. Anyways, bye.

Eli Palmer"

The paper in Jacob's hand started scrunching and his face turned red from anger. That was an indication for everyone around him, to not ask or say anything at that moment.

Jacob threw the piece of paper on the floor and stormed to his truck, slamming the door shut and driving off. John grabbed the paper off from the ground and read through it. He let out a sigh, before reaching for his phone and calling Joseph Seed.


"What do you mean Abby and Eli left Hope County?" Joseph asked as he and John walked into Jacob's office. They both looked at Jacob, who sat quietly in his seat and starring down at his desk.

"Eli made her choose him over Jacob, all so I can live" John explained the situation to Joseph.

"Oh my" Joseph said and have a small sigh after. "What are you going to do Jacob? What's the plan?".

"There is no plan" Jacob said calmly.

"No plan? What does that mean Jacob?" Joseph asked.

Jacob slammed his hands on the desk and stood up, angrily. "It means that we are not going to do anything to find Abby" he shouted. Almost loud enough, that the people in the cages outside were able to hear it. "Abby made her sacrifice. She saved our younger brother's life. That's the end".

"How can you be so cruel Jacob? As much as I am thankful that she saved John's life, at the end of the day she was part of our family too" Joseph responded back with disappointment.

"I said it's over Joseph" Jacob spoke calmly once again. "Abby is gone. I'm not going to waste my time finding her. She deserves better and I'm sure her brother will make sure of that".

"So you're just giving up like that?" John asked. "Abby loves you. She saved my life so that you wouldn't get hurt. How can you just give up on the girl you love so much Jacob?".

"That's why I'm giving up on her John. I love her too much, to make her suffer any longer. I'm sure the next man she finds, will treat her better than I did" Jacob said one last time, before leaving the office and going into his bedroom.

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