Chapter 15: Girl or Boy

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Weeks flew by and Abby's baby bump grew to a healthy 5 month bump. This was an exciting time for Jacob and Abby. They were going to find out the gender of their baby and they couldn't wait.

They waited outside the doctors office, with Abby's Aunty Tess joining them. After going through a sad and hard time, it was finally time that Jacob and his family had some good times. Starting off with finding out if they were going to have a girl or boy.

Abby and Tess believed that it was a boy but Jacob believed it was a girl. He told Abby that, as long as their baby was healthy, boy or girl, he wouldn't mind but that he really hoped it was going to be a girl. He always believed that a father and his daughter always had the most special bond and that was something he wanted to experience.

"Miss Palmer" the doctor called out.

Abby, Jacob and Tess all stood up and walked into the ultrasound room. Jacob helped Abby up onto the bed and held her hand tightly, as the doctor got her things set up.

"I can see we are all very excited" the doctor said with a smile.

"Today's the day that we are going to find out if our baby is a girl or a boy" Abby explained to the doctor.

"That really is exciting. Well let's get started then" the doctor said and squeezed some gel onto Abby's stomach.

Jacob's grip on Abby's hand got slightly tighter as he watched the screen closely, waiting for the doctor to find his baby. It took a short minute but eventually, Baby Seed became visible on the screen and a smile finally broke through on Jacob's face.

"Is that my baby?" He asked the doctor.

"Yes. That's baby Seed right there" the doctor confirmed. "Shall we hear the heart beats?"

Abby and Jacob both nodded at the doctor. She pressed a button on the keyboard in front of her and suddenly the silent room was interrupted by the sounds of the baby's heart beats.

"Strong heart beats. That's what we want" the doctor smiled down at Abby. "Let's see if it's a girl or boy".

"Actually" Tess stopped the whole operation. "Please don't tell them anything".

"What? Why not Aunty Tess?" Abby asked.

"After everything that's happened, I think we should throw a small party. A Gender Reveal" Tess suggested. "It's a big thing these days and I think Jacob and you deserve one. The doctor can check it and write it on a piece of paper, that way I can sort something out on revealing it to you both".

Abby looked up at Jacob and the both of them looked at each other, before agreeing to do the Gender Reveal party.


It took a good week for Tess to organise everything for the Gender Reveal. After moving into John's Ranch, Joseph convinced Tess to do the party at John's Ranch because it had a big yard at the front. But the day finally arrived.

Everyone gathered up at John's Ranch and partied nice and hard. Everything was in the colours of pink and blue, and signs all over the place that wrote "Boy or Girl" in pink and blue as well. Tess even had everyone wear t-shirts in the colour that they thought the baby would be too. Everything was just amazing and Abby loved it all.

It was finally time to find out the gender of baby Seed. Everyone gathered up around Jacob and Abby, while Tess and Joseph gave out confetti twist poppers to everyone.

"Is everyone ready? In 3. 2. 1" Tess yelled out and everyone twisted their confetti poppers.

Jacob and Abby looked up as pink confetti spread up in the sky and slowly made its way down onto the ground.

"IT'S A GIRL" everyone screamed out in excitement. Abby turned around and jumped into Jacob's arms.

"You got what you wanted honey. We're having a girl" Abby cried in excitement. Jacob wrapped his arms around her waists tightly and smiled a big smile.

"Congratulations Abby and Jacob. I can't wait to meet my niece" Joseph said.

"I can't wait to meet my daughter" Jacob responded back. Tears soaking the corner of his eyes. "I'm glad you did this Tess. It's made everything so much more special".

"It sure has. Thank you Aunty Tess" Abby thanked and hugged her Aunty.

"I'm glad you both enjoyed yourselves today. I'm sure John and Faith are throwing their own little party up in heaven too" Tess said.

"It's a girl. Can you believe it?" Abby asked Jacob and hugged him tightly again.

"I can't wait to have her in my arms. I'll protect my girls with my whole heart" Jacob said and pressed his lips against Abby's.

"You two think about any names beforehand?" Joseph asked.

"Actually we already had picked out a girl and boy name but we won't tell you both what the boys name is, just in case we have one in the future" Abby giggled.

"What's her name going to be?" Tess asked in excitement.

Jacob looked down at Abby and got a nod from her to tell Joseph and Tess. "Ava. Her names going to be Ava 'Faith' Seed".

Joseph and Tess went silent for a few seconds before Joseph broke out in tears. "That's a beautiful name Jacob. Faith would be crying happy tears after hearing that".

"We wanted to include Faith and John's name in our children's names. It'll remind them of their Aunty and Uncle, that are up in heaven and looking down on them" Abby said, trying to hold herself from crying.

"It's beautiful" Tess confirmed.

The rest of the day, the guest, Abby, Jacob, Tess and Joseph continued to celebrate the wonderful day and the little girl who was due to come into the world in exactly 4 months time.

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