Chapter 4

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"Heads up, Lucy!" Happy spun me around then flung me and I landed a kick to the side of Everlue's head, thus freeing the blonde girl from his clutches.

"Lexie! Happy! That was so cool!" Lucy praised as before the blue cat landed in the sewer water, causing Lucy's face to drop and me to shake my head while shrugging.

"What's this? A flying cat?" said Everlue.

"The name's Happy!" the cat said back however it was muffled by the water.

"I wouldn't stay in there if I was you," Lucy advised.

"But the water feels so good!"

"That's water's unhygienic, you know that, right," I stated, whilst Lucy facepalmed.

"Anyway, on another note, it looks like the tables have turned. But if you let me keep the book I'll think about going easy on you," Lucy got back to the situation at hand, pointing a key at Everlue. "Although I'm tempted to give you a good smack."

"Ohh. A celestial wizard. But for a reader you seem to be a bit deficient in your terms of phrase. The tables have turned implies that the weaker party has rallied to claim victory! But there's no way you and that cat could ever defeat me and my diver magic! Boyoyo-"

The duke was interrupted with a fist to the face upwards, making him crash in the ceiling. I cracked my knuckles, "Aren't you forgetting someone?"

He ignored me as he fell back down and started drilling downwards.

"So he does that using magic? I had no idea Everlue was a wizard too!" Happy said.

"Do you not smell yourself?" Lucy asked, it was irrelevant though.

Everlue shot out constantly trying to snatch the book from Lucy. She, however, was quick enough on her feet to jump away and dodge his attempts.

"Look, I know the whole story now. It's a horrible adventure novel about a trashy little character named Duke Everlue!"

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"You serious?" Happy asked.

"I don't know if I'd call the protagonist trashy, but yes!" Everlue drilled down again and was somehow destroying the ceiling. "The story is trash, and to think it was written by the great Kamu Zaleon!" by this point Everlue had jumped up from behind Lucy. "Inexcusable!" I socked him upwards and he landed safely.

"I can't believe your arrogance! You forced him to write it!" Lucy stated. Wait, forced?

"Arrogant? What? The word doesn't begin to apply! To tell my story is an honour! No matter what the circumstances!"

"Then why'd you have to blackmail him into it?"

"Blackmail?" Happy inquired.

"What's the big deal? He just needed some extra encouragement to take the job!"

"Oh really?" Lucy muttered, loud enough for us to hear.

"Any fool would've jumped at the chance to have me as their mule! But he had the audacity to say no!" Everlue.. swam (or dug) out of the wall like he was in the water swimming. "So I gave him the added inspiration by saying if he didn't listen I would defile his family's credibility."

'W-what?' I looked at the duke in shock and horror. How could he do that?

"But-! Then none of them would be able to join any of the guilds and make a living!" Happy protested. "Do you really have the power to do that?"

"I HAVE THE POWER TO DO ANYTHI-" I punched his face back down, then picked him up by the neck.

Then I uppercut kicked him back into the ceiling. "Shut the fuck up!"

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