Chapter 5

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"I guess we should probably try to find another job," Natsu suggested, chin on the table. Luckily, we had somehow made it back in time before Erza came back. It was very relieving, apparently.

"Aye, we're running out of food money," Happy added on, chewing fish.

"If we'd taken that two million jewel reward we'd be sitting pretty," Lucy stated in response. "And I can't let myself forget that rent's gonna be due next week. I guess we'd better find work too, Lexie."

I was, for some reason, eating fish. It's pretty good, actually. When my mouth was unoccupied, I responded, "I guess we should."

And with that, we made our way to the request board. I was analysing the jobs whilst Lucy read them aloud, "Finding a magic bracelet.. breaking a spell on a cursed cane.. reading someone's love horoscope.. hunting a volcano demon..! Jeez, I had no idea wizarding jobs were so varied."

I deadpanned, "And I had no idea they were so weird."

Mira came up to us, "Well, let me know if you find one you're interested in taking on. The Master's away at conference so I'm covering for him."

"Oh, hey Mira," I greeted.

"What kind of conference?" my blonde friend asked.

"One for guild masters, every once in a while they all get together to talk about the state of things." she then put her finger on her chin, "It's like the magic council but not."

"The magic council but not? Very understandable," I nodded, this makes great sense. The albino smiled at me before turning to a.. guy who's body was shaped like that of humpty-dumpty. Woah.

"Excuse me, Reedus, could I borrow a light pen?"

Said man let Mira borrow the light pen. The albino then began to start writing in the air. "The council, Era, is the most powerful organisation in the magical world. It's only one step below the government. It has ten members and it's their job to uphold all the magical rules and regulations. And if a wizard breaks magical law they would be tried by the council. Then there's the different guild master leagues, where guild masters would gather. They distribute the orders of the Magic Council, maintain communication between guilds of the same region, and keep us united," Mira spoke, explaining the conference the guild masters go to. "It's a pretty stressful job."

"Wow, I never realised that all the different magical guilds were interconnected like that," Lucy commented.

"Cool!" I added my input in, smiling.

Mira smiled when she saw my smile. "It's important that we cooperate with one another otherwise our system would fall apart. However, if neglected..."

Our favourite fire dragon slayer popped up out of nowhere and lit his finger on fire whilst holding a creepy grin, "Then the guys of darkness will show up!"

That scared Lucy, and then Natsu started laughing. "That was almost too easy!"

"You trying to scare me to death?"

I raised my eyebrow, more interested in what Mira was going to say. "Is Natsu right though? Does that happen when neglected?"

"Yes, the guys Natsu's talking about exist, they're the dark guilds. They've chosen not to join any of the leagues. They're the bad apples and most of them are involved in magical crime."

"Magical crime, huh," I mused, thinking back to when I was younger, I had used my magic to my advantage when thieving. Honestly, I'm not very proud of it.

"Wow," Lucy let out.

"Would you just go on and pick us a job already?" Natsu asked, interrupting us, hands behind his head.

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