Courage! Arc and Quest

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[3rd POV]

After yesterday's events, Jaune would go see Jet for daily training along with Pyrrha. Jet helps Jaune by exercising his muscles and have spars with him while Pyrrha helped by correcting Jaune's moves whenever he attacked. 

After weeks of training, Jaune had gotten stronger and more adept with his weapons. Jaune was thankful for Jet and Pyrrha's help in getting stronger. During the training, Jaune apologized to Pyrrha for yelling at her. She smiled and hugged him, saying she'd be with him no matter what. The two embraced each other for a moment before going back to training. Jet smiled as they finally reconciled with each other.


One day, Jaune called everyone to discuss about something. They decided to meet up at JNPR's room. Once everyone gathered, Jaune told them about Cardin's plan.

Jaune: All right, guys. Last week, Cardin told me to get him a bag of Rapier Wasps. (everyone except Jet gasped)

Pyrrha: Aren't does the kind that have stinging venom?

Jet: Indeed they are, Pyhrra. Jaune, the fact you called us here means you know what Cardin's plan is, correct?

Jaune: (nods) I've found out that we're gonna be on a field trip to the Forever Falls next week. That's where he plans to plans get revenge on Pyrrha and Blake for embarrassing him in front of class.

Yang: Well then. How about we set a trap? (everyone looks at Yang) Think about it. We know where and when the plan is going to happen. Why don't we use that against them?

Weiss: Who are you and what have you done with Yang?

Yang: Hey! I'm not all about fists you know!

Jet: I agree. It'll also help us see how far you've gotten with your training, Jaune.

Jaune: All right! Let's do this!

Everyone fist-bumped in unison and left in preparation for their plan in action at Forever Falls.


A forest bustling with red leaves and gray trunks is seen as it shows Glynda leading teams RWBY(J), JNPR, and CRDL through the area.

Glynda: Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Team RWBY and JNPR looked at each other, nodding. They then went separate ways, Jaune with team CRDL and RWBY(J) & NPR with their assignment.

Cardin: Now that we're alone, it's time for payback.

Jaune: P-Payback?

Cardin: (points at Pyrrha) She's going to pay for humiliating that day! (shoves jar of sap to Jaune) And you're going to do it.

Jaune: Do what?

Cardin: Hit her with the sap! Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be-!

Jaune: No.

Cardin: What did you say?

Jaune: (grins) I said... NO!

Jaune turns and throws the jar at Cardin, instantly on guard as Cardin's breastplate covered in sap. The other team leader, however, just looks at himself and laughs darkly.

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