Ninja! Future and King

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[3rd POV]

As the group's ship departed for their destination, the girls began to question Jet on how he became the Huntsman they were supposed to be shadowing.

Weiss: Just how did you become the person we're supposed to shadow?

Jet: ...Is that a question?

Yang: Technically, he's been fighting Grimm for a long time now.

Ruby: Yeah. Basically, Jet's a pro Huntsman.

Blake: They've got a point there. Besides that, he's faced worse enemies as far as I can remember.

Weiss: Oh, really?

Jet: Have you ever fought a creature combined with a game virus? (Weiss stutters) No? Then, please just try to understand.

Weiss: I-I... fine. (looks away)

Ruby: By the way, Jet, where are we going?

Jet: I'm glad you asked, Ruby. Our destination is Mount. Glenn, a city that's been abandoned ever since being overrun by Grimm.

Yang: Yeah, something tells me there's more to it than just that.

Jet: (nods) Indeed. Before the Grimm infestation happened, reports of people mysteriously dying had started to occur. The last report told that the victim survived and gave a description of the attacker, or rather, creature.

Jet: He said it was purple, had claws and was able to appear and disappear like a shadow. (pulls out his Scroll and scrolls towards an image) This is what the creature looks like.

 (pulls out his Scroll and scrolls towards an image) This is what the creature looks like

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The girls were wide-eyed with fear as they looked at the monstrosity before them. Jet creased his brow as he looked at the image being shown.

Weiss: W-What i-is that thing?

Blake: I-It looks like a n-ninja.

Jet: Indeed it is, Blake. Everyone, this is Another Shinobi, the Another Rider of Future Rider Shinobi.

All of the girls were shocked beyond understanding. Jet sighed and decided to let the information sink in.
Reaching their drop-off point, the team headed off. Walking through the ruined streets, the group were awed by the decayed buildings and the desolated streets. As night began to approach, they made camp in one of the abandoned buildings.

Ruby: H-Hey, Jet?

Jet: Yeah, Ruby?

Ruby: W-What did you mean by "Future Rider"?

Jet: Simple. A Kamen Rider from the future, of course.

Weiss: F-From the future? How does that make sense?

Yang: Y-Yeah! It couldn't have just come from the future... could it?

Jet: No, it's possible to create an Another Rider even if said Rider is from the future.

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