Tactics! Enemies and Mysteries

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[3rd POV]

As Ozpin, Jet and Poppy waited for Ironwood to arrive, they decided to catch up on some past time.

Jet: So, Ozzy. How's it been for your life?

Ozpin: Oh? And what do you mean by that?

Jet: You know! Reincarnating once in a while! Stuff like that.

Ozpin: Ah. Well... it's best if you don't know somethings, Jet.

Jet: (sigh) Fine. What about you, Poppy?

Poppy: Well, I've found it tiring to mark everyone's work and grades! Sometimes I wonder why I haven't gone crazy by now.

Jet: Here. (massages her shoulders) It helps relax, you know.

Poppy: Ahhh~. Thanks Jet. I needed that.

Jet: Your welcome. Still, when will he arr-? *bing* Speak of the devil! He's here!

As the elevator doors opened, James stepped out, wearing casual clothes. Without the army at his beck and call, he seemed more like a man who worked out.

Ironwood: Jet, Ozpin, Poppy. (smiles) It's nice to see you all again.

Everyone then gathered for group hug. As they hugged, they seem to blur out as a younger Ozpin and James were there with Jet and Poppy, playing and having fun. As they broke the hug, everyone had their pleasantries with each other.

Jet: James! Nice of you to come. After all, it's not like you're too busy or anything.

Ironwood: Yeah, I get it! Besides, it's not easy being a general, you know!

Poppy: Still, it's great to see you again!

Ozpin: Indeed. It's time for you relax a little and unwind your hinges.

Ironwood: Yes. Well... what's the occasion?

Jet: Straightforward as always! Well then, how about a warm-up? (takes out a Gashat)

Jet: Straightforward as always! Well then, how about a warm-up? (takes out a Gashat)

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Ironwood smiled when he saw his old Gashat in Jet's hands. Jet gave Bang Bang Shooting to Ironwood as Ozpin brought up a screen of Vale, a figure seen on the screen.

Ironwood: (looking at his Gashat) I'm guessing it's Revol?

Jet: Yep. He just doesn't know how to stay down, does he?

Ironwood: Apparently not. (both laugh) I wonder if Salty is around as well?

Jet: Nope! (crosses arms in X-shape) He's on a different level of "not staying down"! I mean, c'mon! He just doesn't!

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