♠️ [ Monday ] ♠️

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"I can't eat this anymore

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"I can't eat this anymore. It' s like salty and sugary stuff mixed in a trash bin and then served as a so-called fresh meal on the menu."
Usopp rose his fork, loaded with chopped vegetables, carefully scanning the mess. "How can you even not correctly boil vegetables?"

"You're not that off. Who knows what this restaurant does to its food source or its in-takers."

"Well we wouldn't be in this mess if someone didn't suddenly decide not to go to our previous cafe." Usopp added, angrily shooting daggers at me.

I stopped in the middle of bluntly twisting my fork on the still full plate and gazed into it even deeper. I remained silent while adjusting the scarf around my neck.
"Oh, come on Y/n! You've been quiet for 2 weeks now. And we visited almost all cafe's...let's face it.... they all suck." Nami waved at her portion on the table.
"And the price! That' s scandalous! Maybe we are seniors, but we aren't loaded. Well, not all of us." She added, pointing at Vivi.
"Please, tell us why you refuse to go to that place." Robin pleaded, looking at me in worry.

"It's ...nothing."

"Jueah, fhe fold yu fshe's fone." (translation: yeah, she told you she's fine.) Luffy munched, his mouth full of food. 

Nami rolled her eyes.

"Of course everything is good for you...you are eating raw meat." At that point, the ginger-head cocked her head.

He looked perplexed. He quickly glanced at his dish and then back at Nami, amazed: "It's raw?"

"Yes?" he gulped down the remaining from the dish.

"It was still god tho."

Everybody at the table facepalmed at the bottomless pit Luffy possessed.
I let out a fake giggle, just to insure others I was doing fine. And by the look on their faces, a hint of reassurance flashed before it was replaced by annoyance redirected towards Luffy.

"Well, whatever is going on, I hope it will end soon."

"Speaking of soon...When will you ask Law to a date? I mean you are obviously crushing on him!" Nami purred, enthusiasm overwhelming while she spoke.

I and Robin tensed. After the...kiss...I stopped coming to the place...he...worked at. I didn't want to face him anymore, but there wasn't a night I would have stopped thinking about him and coming to one conclusion: I was still in love with Ace.

But he broke my heart when realization hit me...he was trying to get back for something that happened between him and Law.
And Law...as Ace predicted, he ignored me.

3 days later I got the message, while the curtains in my room were drawn and the lights were of, a set of dozens of crumpled tissues  were positioned beside me.

I'm not interested anymore. No hard feelings, ok? L

He gave me an evident message that he didn't wanna have anything to do with me. And I was obviously palpable to a certain blue haired friend that forced me to reluctantly confess everything.

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now