♠️ [Wednesday] ♠️

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"Oi, Y/n?"

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"Oi, Y/n?"

"Hm?" I hummed; my forehead puckered.

"What are we doing?" He repeated with a ringing voice.

I had sighed before I tore my gaze from the book and stared at the happy-go-lucky friend, sitting opposite me.

"Luffy...You really don't know, do you?" I gave him a cow look.

"No ideaaaa...shishishishi~!"

"We are performing the nitrogen triiodide experiment. " I simply retorted, again scribbling the formula in my notes.

There was a minute of silence, so I concluded that he understood the assignment. The muted atmosphere lingered until a raspy voice again made its way to the foreground.

"Is that a name for food?" He chimed, slightly leaning on the chair.

I grimaced, trying to hold in the laugh that was threatening to burst any minute. "We are talking about chemistry. Sadly, there's no food here for you."

Throwing his hands in surrender, he childishly pouted.

"No fair!!! I want food!" Luffy dramatically leaned on the table and with one finger slowly circled around the table. "Oh man... Thatch won't prepare anything for me until Friday!!!!"

"Why Friday?" I asked curiously, moving the pen from the writing sheet.

"Shishishi, did you forget Y/n? Shishishi~ we are throwing a huge party!" He prolonged the word huge, while widening the grin that plastered his features.

"How could I forget?" I deadpanned, nodding. "But...I don' t know if I will make it, Luffy."

Translation: Not a chance if your brother is there.

"Come on, Y/n!!!! Now that Ace went back to his apartment, it's just me and Marco!" slacked mouth he continued: "And Sabo! That guy moved in with Koala!"

everything that was uttered went through one year but unfortunately left through the other. Not including one exception.

"Wait...Ace won't be there?" I smacked my lips.

Luffy shook his head, not noticing my anticipation. "Nope, not this time. I tried to convince him, but that guy just doesn't know how to party!"

"Oh...I will...see." Why did I sound disappointed?

"Tho..." His facial muscles tightened. "Ace has been acting somewhat...strange."

"W-what do you mean?" I could help but to stutter.

"He seems ...sad?" Even the younger guy didn't know what was going on with his older brother.

"Oh." Slouched in the chair, mulling over the situation, now ignoring my friend.

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now