♠️ [ Friday] ♠️ Part 2

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"A bandana and a lighter." Vivi looked up. "Who's that?"

"Me." Zoro and Sanji both stood up at the same time. Before shock finally painted their relaxed features, Nami had already been dragging them happily into the closet.

"No fighting, boys~! If you break something, you'll have to pay me for the replacement!" She slurred.

"This isn't even your house!" Exclaimed Zoro, meanwhile struggling to keep a distance from the blonde. The feeling from the latter was mutual.

She just shrugged and set the timer.

The whole room went silent. Then the expected bickering began.

"You Green Marimo!"

"You Ero-cook! Don't touch me!"

"I'm not touching you, idiot! I can barely breath because of your spreading stench!"

"Are you sure it's mine, you damn bastard! Maybe it is your horrible perfume!"

"Why you....!"

"Time's up!" Nami nervously stuttered.

That's how it went.

Koala and Sabo (a strange coincidence indeed) beside Perona and Usopp, and last but not least Robin and Franky, ended up together. In addition, they all waltzed merrily together from the closet, one redder from the other.

I had joked the entire time and relentlessly teased couple of them. Until she called me.

"Y/t (your favorite thing) and a red bracelet."

With a heavy huff I made my way to the closet and patiently waited for my partner to come up. A minute passed but no one appeared.

Not really caring for the mild delay, I shut my eyes and as if I like I was comfortably located back to my room, hummed a song that I recently heard on the radio. A slight crack in the door made me stop in mid lyrics and subsequently peek to the person who approached me.

"Hi!" I greeted, narrowing my eyes at the pitch black.

The person didn't respond but swiftly took place beside me. I altered towards my partner.

And what I saw made me loss all strength.

"Hey, Y/n..." He whispered, straightening at the greeting.

"A-a-ace?" I stuttered, not even noticing how I reflexional acted on my own and slid further from him until I reached the closet's wall. "What are you doing here?"

"It seems I got dragged by Luffy to play with you guys." He chuckled.

"But...He told me you weren't coming." I puckered my forehead.

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now