♠️ [Thursday] ♠️

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I'd been up all night

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I'd been up all night. My mind didn't cease to stop thinking about tomorrow's charity/gala event.

I peeked out from my sheets and narrowed my eyes at the black timer.

Scratch that, the event is today.

"I should really get some sleep..." I silently groaned to myself, already feeling the effect of the morning's headache and nausea. The curtains were sat, but nevertheless lights from the streets still barged into the room, illuminating some parts of it.

The more that I had been thinking, the more I came to realize I was tremendously scared of what was going to happen this week. First of all, three days remained till the fatal encounter with Anonymous. And I still didn't have a clue who that was. From the clues I'd gathered I came up with some leading points. But they weren't specific enough to make me unravel the identity. Or maybe they were, but I was too oblivious. Either way, by what I got he was apparently good-looking and by his words that meant he was quite prideful. He was high, possessed a strange sense of humor, had the ability of a good listener, but was also reckless and easy-going.

Images of his appearance formed in my mind, swiftly taking over one another, changing the traits. Blond or raven? Blue or brown eyes? Lean nose? Muscular or thin? My reverie was blurry, no real pictures of him could be produced.

Punching the pillow was the most rational thing I could have come up with, since the lack of sleep chimed in. The quest was far from easy. And whoever that was, made it appear difficult to solve.

But one thing was for sure.

I will meet him sooner or later.


Nami gasped again, as her lingering eyes examined me from head to toes. Since I came to our class, she couldn't hide the fact that I looked like someone that just got hit by a truck on the way to school and to top it off, my clothes were somewhat dragged through a large pond of mud. The only person who had enough courtesy not to be obviously surprised by me out-look was Sanji. The love-cook fiercely greeted me with an abnormal joy. His cigarette had hung immobile in his mouth before I came up to the main entrance.

"Y/n-swaaan! ~ You look ravishing as always!" He chimed, twirling around in repeated circles. I expected such kind of reaction from him.

I gave him a lackluster smile. "Thanks, I know I look terrible, but your comment really made my day."

The blond spread his arms wide. "Y/n-swaaan! You are so nice!" That was my cue to abruptly leave Sanji, love stricken as always.

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