A Christmas 🎁 Chapter

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Hello again! I bet you weren't expecting this, huh? Muahahaha~ 

Well because it is Christmas, I wanted to publish one more chapter for Seven Letters (my boi needs moreeeee loveeeee!~💓💓💓)

I would like to thank chillythecat
  for giving me 'food for thought'
👉👉👉(😂😂😂just trying to use an idiom to see if my work in school finally bore fruit...lol🙈 I did it again) 

Without further ado, 

the last chapter 

3275 words


Merry 🎅Christmas! 


"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart!" My voice resonated through the white room as I rotated around my seat and happily waited for the other girls.

"But the very next day you gave it away...

This year, to save me from tears

I'll give it to someone speciallll~!"

The last accord was prolonged, and the cheerful song would have continued if it wasn't for a sudden bang on the other side of the door and loud cursing.

The person behind the enormous white marble entrance continued from where I suddenly stopped, the off tune making me grin in recognition.

"Once bitten and twice shy

I keep my distance

But you still catch my eye

Tell me, baby

Do you recognize meeeeee-?"

The voice was teasingly coloured, but the words were like a released arrow that precisely hit the target-my fragile heart. I barely stationed my hand from letting in the male and throwing myself around the man I loved. However, to my enormous luck, a certain pineapple blond speculated such reaction from the raven and immediately dragged the younger brother away.

"Ace, you moron! You can't see the bride-to-be before the wedding ceremony! You are already hopeless as it gets, so do you really want to risk everything and have additional bad luck!" Marco clicked with his tongue before shoeing Ace away.

"But I want to see my bride, Marco! Don't be like an old grandpa and just let me see her!" The raven wined. I felt Ace's puppy eyes boring through the wall and capturing my radiating smile.

"If I let you in, all the girls will make their mission to kill me after the wedding. No can do, kiddo. I want to celebrate New Year's with a high-quality wine and good comedy. Without being beheaded."

"Or losing your virginity. Am I right, bro?" The raven teasingly said. The part with innocence was emphasised a bit too loudly, which I think it was on purpose. Damn, please control yourself Ace! Or else there will be no groom at the altar.

"Shut up, yoi!"

"I'll see you later, Y/n! I love you, my wife!" Ace sang, as his and Marco's steps gradually vanished.

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now