♠️ [ Friday] ♠️ Part 1

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It was like this since morning. My phone didn't stop receiving annoying messages from a certain orange-head girl.

Such a persistent gold-digger.

"Won't you look at it?" Hummed Robin, currently dragging me to the cafeteria.

"I'm scared." I confessed, pounting at the mere thought of responding to Nami.

"Yeah, you should be."

"Thanks so much for the encouragement. Remind me to applause you later." I snapped.

"No need for sarcasm, Y/n. Still can't get over the fact that you've visited the charity concert?" She said, her head cocked at the appropriately sympathetic angle.

"Ow, that stung! Right in the heart." I giggled.

Robin only averted her eyes and changed the subject. "Ok, so disregarding the approximately 100 roses in which you are bathing at home, how was yesterday?"

Yes, how could I forget. Right before exiting the concert, the same bald security guard halted me, bestowing me with dozens of roses, apparently meant for me.

"I don't know if I have enough time to explain..." I responded, meanwhile arching my eyebrows.

"Nonsense." She examined her wristwatch. "We've got forty-five minutes. No need for rush. Spill the details."

"It was...Interesting...At least. At first, I thought the whole organization thing would be sullen and lingering. But actually it was...amazing. Honestly. The space. The people..."

"Two vegetarian sandwiches. Without mayo, please." The blue-haired woman interrupted my speech, just to trade it with the lunch-lady.

I was tapping my feet while she gladly took the wrapped food. "Are you even listening to me!"

"Yes." She hummed again, nibbling the sandwich in approval. I snatched mine from her hand and furiously bit in the seemingly delicious bum. But it wasn't. Yuck, whole grain.

"I want my fair share of meat!" I grumbled after I astonishingly swallowed the bestowed overestimated lunch.

"Sorry. Maybe tomorrow."

"It's Saturday!" I cried, deciding if I should throw a tantrum or not.

"Oh, well..."

"Anyhow...It was palpable..." I had carried on with the previous description before I was disturbed.

"What about that Anonymous guy?" She nonchalantly asked.

I tilted my head and pressed my lips together. "Hmmm...Oh, you see...he was the one who sent me does flowers..."

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now