♠ Extra Scene + A/n ♠

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I would like to announce that my Seven Letters fanfiction finally reached its end💎(except for the Extra Scene part...hehehehe~😂😂😂).
I am very proud it concluded as it had and I hope (from the bottom of my heart) you also liked it. I can't express enough gratitude and appreciation for all of your support---> from votes ⭐ to the comments 💬👥.

You gave me enough 💪👍👌encouragement to make all of this come true🎊🎉.


I love you all! 💕

I even drew something to show my utmost happiness😄😄😄!!!!!

I even drew something to show my utmost happiness😄😄😄!!!!!

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See you soon!


!!!!!!!!EXTRA SCENE ALERT!!!!!!!!!

For a full reading experience, listen to Taylor's song-Shake it off... 

Gosh, how I love One Piece <3


Now let's get to business

Enjoy the Extra Scene I wrote for chapter Sunday

The following content is


🍖Provided by Luffy🍗

Bon Appetite!


"Can anyone please fill me in? What's happening?" Thatch exclaimed, a bit out of breath after leaving his car parked in the lot. He was of course ignored by the entire family. Sabo, as in approval, nodded and eagerly shouted: "Ace you did it! You' re not such a douche-back as I initially thought you were."

Sabo forgot to mention a small detail when he helped me back there with the angry looking lady by the entrance. The whole Newgate family came to bid their farewells to Ace.

And now...They were enjoying in teasing the life of us.

"Sabo, why are they eating each other's faces?" Luffy pulled the blond by shirt, confused by the affectionate scene in front of him.

"Luffy..." The brother gulped in response, feeling a bit embarrassed for the raven's obliviousness. But luckily the other older blond didn't have any restrain and blurted the desired explanation. "They are kissing, yoi."

Sabo hit his forehead with his hand, a loud clasp following the movements. "... Nicely done, Marco."

"What is kissing?" Luffy continued, now clenching onto the pineapple guy, his smile widely reaching the tips of his cheeks.

"It's when..."

Ace beside me started to tremble, fury and a mild flush coloring his facia expression. I, on the other hand, was speechless. But it was something I was used to. Unfortunately.

"Guys! We are trying to have a moment here!" He barked.

Marco, with his half closed mouth, made a hand-tube and shouted at him. It was quite unnecessary cause there wasn't such a huge distance between us. But surely by now, I knew  that this kind of style-that is: caring for minor details, wasn't exactly working for him. "Sorry bro bro."

"Man, you are such mood-killers." Pops said, obviously disappointed by his sons, but nevertheless forgetting that he himself barged into the whole 'funny family gathering' situation.

"Not you too!" By now Ace was radiating fifty shades of red, while I couldn't help but to giggle beside him.

"Gurararara~! You should put a ring on it!" Newgate proposed, proudly smiling at his seemingly good advice.

"She is still in high school, Pops." Thatch murmured, but even my sorry face couldn't help the fact that he was again regarded as a statue rather than a decent human being.

Poor Thatch!

"Well excuse me for thinking about that idiot. You lads have no sense of responsibility. I want to see you all married, you got that?! I don't want to watch your lazy butts snooping around my house unless you've got wives and grandchildren to introduce. "

And the heated argument began.


"Y/n, can we go?" Ace whispered, pleading me with all the remaining pride he hoped he still had.

"My place?"

He glanced towards the ruckus, already on the stand-by position for a sprint.

"Yes, please."

"Movies and popcorn?" I suggested.

"With butter?"


"Gosh, I love you so much." In that moment the arms around me squeezed a fraction tighter and I breathed more slowly, the raven melting into me.

"I know." I said, sinking into the warmth of his side.

I love you too, you idiot...

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now