♠️ [Tuesday] ♠️ Part 1

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While I was brushing my teeth, a message appeared on my phone. Preparing myself with one hand and unlocking my phone with the other, I wide-eyed read the message.

Unknown: Good Morning, peaches ;) Did you sleep well? xoxo

Before my brain processed the read content, I had to scan every written word on the screen. Everything.

He really sent me a message... Does that mean he wants me to reply?

With a shaky hand, I slowly typed the answer and scanned it a couple of times before I reluctantly pressed the button SEND.

Y/N: Quite well. If you don't mind asking...Can you please tell my who are you?-

I impatiently waited for his respond. I almost gave up when another vibration signaled for a received response.

Unknown: Nope. But I'm happy to hear you're happy. Now go to school. I hope U R prepared for today. :)

No, I'm not...


As I entered the school property the school hallway was filled with tons of kids that were already preparing themselves to go home when the school bell for thhe last class would ring. 

 Filled with the sound of multiple conversations going off at once, lockers opening and closing, music playing without headphones, I saw someone.

Ace was calmly speaking to his brothers, while leaning on one of the lockers. He seemed a bit tired, dark shadows covering the lower part of his face as if he was suffering from a sleepless night. But otherwise he looked calm.

Some of the female students, that passed the raven guy, longingly stared at him and giggled in small groups. I felt a sting in my stomach as I couldn't help myself for thinking about just stepping and hitting those girly girls with all of my strength.

Why am I staring at him? Why am I angry? Damn it, why do I like him? And why am I asking so many questions?!

I didn't know what Ace was doing at our school. He already graduated. 

But then I remembered he was invited to a special celebration in which our school also participated in. He was supposedly one of the most talented musicians, frequently playing at clubs and competing. Shanks, being eager to well...to impress everyone and everything that breaths, practically begged him to join and add some shizzle to the performance.

The raven was totally ignorant to his surrounding until he turned to my direction.

I gasped.

His eyes flashed over to meet mine. Ace's eyes widened, as he quickly whispered something to Sabo before he pushed himself from a large group that occupied the hallway. I automatically turned on my heels and ran in the opposite direction, firmly clutching my books, letting my hair fall to conceal my face.

[OP] ♠️ Seven Letters ♠️  [Ace x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now