"Vrtra....." a voice whispers almost a hiss in the calm air of the Mars night, "Vrtra....." the voice sends shivers through her metal work. "W....whos there" she shouts into the emptiness of the night, the black abis that she felt almost engulfs her...she feels a weight of her chest a straight on her heart but can't quite muster what it is. "You alright sport...not worried about those two boys are ya" Ana says joining her,the hunters breath crystallizing in the cold air.
"Yhere...yhere im fine...just...this place. Its so..." Vrtra struggles for the words.
"Familiar..." Ana finishes Vrtra sentence.
"Yhere thats it...I think I worked here..." she says with a shake of the head and a giggle.

Meanwhile in the EDZ

"Commander Zavala this Ryder and Leo we got what we came for" Ryder says cheering Leo and Devrim with his cup of tea.
"Well done guardian...see you back here in 40" He answers the communications.
"Cheers for the tea Dev" Leonite says.
"No problem give the old warlock my regards" he replies sending the two men off.
"So hows that history book writing coming along Le" Ryder asks.
"Good actually iv been doing so research on the first Phoenix, Kia...she was a sun breaker you know...went missing after she defeated the black garden...they all do...the whole of Crimson Phoenix gone..." Leonite booms flailing his arms around in excitement.
"They got the job done thought didnt they" Ryder jokes.
"Yes...but they didnt die...they vanished. No trace at all. Dont you think thats weird" he answers with such enthusiasm Ryder could help to chuckle a bit.
"Your gonna make me regret asking how its going ant ya" Ryder says through his laughs.

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