"Your kind rid yourself of your bodys,heart,emotions... all in fear of the thing you now serve...and now you rid yourself of your minds in the light of this false god. Your a child with powers you do not deserve. You hunt the creatures it no longer uses, all those who have no light...what do you think will happen when it leaves you like it did the Eliksni" she raises Vrtra head to meet her eyes again "you have seen with your own eyes what your traveller does...it uses!
Now look with your heart and tell me what you see" Zarlithas voice sings in air. Vrtra body shivers as she watches her breath crystal in the air...its cold really...cold...she looks down at her hands rubbing them for warmth...her hands heat up almost instantly her skin tingling with the change in temperature. "Mrs Cane..." a womans says walking up to her with their hand outstretched. "errr miss not mrs" she answers laughing taking the womans hand. "Ah my apologies..." she answers back with a smile.
"Its nice to finally meet you miss Bray"
"Please call me ana... thank you by the way i know the exo program has had some...bad press recently" ana says sincerely.
"Apologies wont be necessary...iv been in a ruff post lately, anything i can do to help will make my life a whole lot better. Clovis picked me out of the dirt...time to repay the favour" the 2 walk down a corridor and enter a room labelled "e-x-o conversion room, deep stone project".
With a quick breath its gone...her skin back to metal her emotions back to nothing..."w...what was that..." Vrtra voice breaking with sadness. "Your past" Zarlitha says "what you where...do you see now...what your fear made you do...with me you will fear nothing...you can be what you where again"
Vrtra's eyes locked with Zarlithas, a grin spreading across the witchs face knowing the exos heart is hers. "They fear you Vrtra....they trap your powers under so called regulations...with what you have....you could crack a guardians skull with a bullet...a bullet they could never come back from" Zarlitha eyes shone as she started her spell "free your powers Vrtra...with me you can be so much more...are you with me... o' Guardian mine?" she whispers over Vrtra's shoulder her spell working instantly. Vrtra rubs her arms feeling the warmth of her skin, the "warmth" of shadows covering her body...Then just like that it was over...all sighs anyone else was ever there...where gone!

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